I hope to create a legacy of two food islands. Swedeborgian and mormon missionaries planted what they perceived as model gardens of Eden.
Snow is melting, the sun is shining its time to get bare-root trees into soil in pots. I also potted up my last (castenea) chestnut and...
Many nurseries deliver bare-root trees. If your spring is going like mine is, and have just received a bundle of trees as the snow drifts around...
I look for unlocked cars of people I don't know. If they don't catch me "donating" zucchini, they won't know who to bring it back to...
Mini's don't like pots. And their northern frontier may be zone 6-A At least that is what my fumbling has taught me.
On a less theological note. One of the newer families, neonicotinoids; are going through a an accelerating category or rescrictions because of...
What insects are damaging your gardens?
Scotty, what are you trying to control with your "all purpous" spray? Without sermonizing, no insecticide is 100% effective. In order to reduce...
FWIW in the united states there is a fresh-water lobster. it is about 1/8th the size of its salt-water bretheren. It does tunnel in banks near...
I'm going to second crayfish, in a southern garden near a canal.
I train Ivy as bonsai. I'm not so sure its a good thing up against buildings or trellis, as it can be quite destructive.
Does it do rope tricks and tell jokes at Zeigfield Follies? ;)
Green leaves could be growing out below graft (the existance of a scar should give that away). Or the lower branch get more sun.
Put some stakes around your tree to reduce run-ins with the lawn mower...
When temperature is high, pollen clumps and self pollinating tomato don't do their thing. hence why blossoms drop off. Shaking plants in the...
Use carboard as a light block and liberally overlay cardboard with mulch (hay chips or straw). Repeat forever.
Those drooping rosemary limbs want to airlayer and become new bush'. if they have already callused or rooted cut them off and pot them...
Do a search with key word "Airlayer" Some do better before leaves open, others after you may have to try both.
I put rose seed when or where ever i get them, outdoors in a shallow pan. They germinate when they are good and ready. Keep them moist.
Steam, Rose seed behaves like its a tree seed. It does better if cold stratified outdoors through the cycles of warmth and chill (frost even)...
Separate names with a comma.