Part I here: ... -fish.html For ponds, I recommend this book:...
This one is cute, but what is it? [img] ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden )
Can anyone ID this larvae that was found in a co-fishkeeper's tank? [img] ( photo / image / picture from Beeker's Garden ) He has...
I found these on the underside of my spinach leaves. I know they are cocoons of some sort, but can you tell me which pest? I am guessing they...
I know there are quite a few in these pictures, but if you have information that will help me stay ahead of these, I would greatly appreciate it....
This season is miserable for my warm weather veggies. The only plants that are giving me anything to harvest right now are my cucumbers and my...
Just a few for giggles. It is actually very common for Corgies to sleep in these positions. I don't know why. [img] ( photo / image /...
My watermelon is starting to produce! Last year I got 4 from the plant but I watered it too much so they weren't sweet at all. Any advice? The...
My tree is ready! The only unfortunate thing is that they are white. In my opinion, the white are not as flavorful as the black. My neighbor...
This is the second year I've grown these bush beans, and the second year that they won't get taller than a foot. They are in a different garden...
Huh??? There are only two possibilities: Either a seed (actually two) made it through our very cold, snowy winter or it is a weed that...
Odd. I come from a family that was never good with houseplants. My mom killed a fake plant by vacuuming the leaves off accidentally. But, I...
I've been experimenting and trying new veggies this year. I've aldo started a shade bed for my peas and have decided to duplicate some of the sun...
This winter, in my area, has been much colder than average, single digits, teens and 20s. We've had frequent snow, but very dry air, which is...
I'm looking for ideas and advice. My other half said we should take some of the hostas and put them along the garden fence to make it look...
Well, I didn't yell like that, or flip out, but inside, my gut turned. The set up: Two Sundays ago, I saw a bunch of robins in the grass,...
My brother in-law made stew and saved the base of the celery. He put it in water and it started to grow. Unfortunately, he didn't keep up with...
Hi all! I've made a drastic leap. I've been keeping live planted aquariums, or ornamental indoor potted plants and have a mega-green thumb....
I don't get it. I'm great with indoor plants. In fact, I don't have the heart to throw away clippings, so I am getting overrun with more plants...
I was so happy to finally be able to buy some Mediterranean Pink Heather. I placed the pots outside so they can get rain and sun, but I guess...
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