Good monday morning all. Currently 13°C and raining. Glorious rain, we have needed rain so badly! I hope this helps with the forest fires that are...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently 16°C and overcast. Yesterday I finally got all my veggie crops planted, and with the case of the beans...
Good Saturday morning all. Currently 14°C and cloudy. There is a lovely breeze and for the first time all week I can't smell wildfire smoke. We...
Good Wednesday afternoon all. Currently just 19°C and overcast. Or should I say smokey? The sky has been smoke filled all week from the forest...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently 10°C and sunny. So nice to have a cooler morning again! Well it seems my best boy Sargent has learned how to...
Good Saturday morning all. Currently 17°C and overcast with a nice breeze. Yesterday was just stupid hot, but I made it through my work day. Got...
Good Thursday afternoon all. Currently 32°C and sunny. It was a very hot day to be working outside, but I made it through! Tomorrow I will have to...
We have foxes at work. One year they even made a den in the vegetable garden! One got to know me quite well and would come to inspect the basket...
Good Wednesday afternoon all. Currently 32°C and sunny. It sure was a hot work day today! I decided that it was too hot to cook dinner today, so I...
I love the clustered bellflower! I have one in my garden that has stayed in its place -so far! I have a white one too
Good Tuesday afternoon all. Currently 28°C and sunny. It sure is HOT! My work day started out great, but sure slowed down once the temperature...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently 13°C and sunny. It looks like another beautiful day ahead! Today, the cabbage, kale, beets, and cherry tomatoes...
Good Saturday morning all. Currently 7°C and sunny. I've had my walk, carried my seedlings outside, and now I'm enjoying a cup of coffee. I have a...
Good Friday afternoon all. Currently 18°C and sunny. I had another busy day at work today, and when I got home I realized I was too tired to do my...
Yes, I agree that gardening is addictive! Every winter I tell myself that I am going to shrink my gardens to make them easier to maintain. Then...
Good thursday afternoon all. Currently 16°C and sunny. There was a frost warning last night, and there is another one tonight. All the bunnies are...
Good Tuesday afternoon all. Currently 22°C and sunny. Another busy day at work, then I stopped to get a few groceries I missed on Thursday. Came...
I agree ... your sitting area looks like a piece of paradise!
Good Monday morning all. Currently 8°C and sunny. I had a great day in the garden yesterday. Spent all morning topping up my raised beds with...
Good Sunday morning all. Currently 10°C and sunny. There is a bit of a breeze that makes it feel cooler. I spent part of the day in my greenhouse,...
Separate names with a comma.