Wedding plans...I understand...same here. A May wedding on San Andres Island for my son. I'm looking forward to it, but it does put other...
Really beautiful pictures...especially the woodpecker. What kind of a camera did you use? It takes wonderful photographs.
Crystal, glad to hear your lettuce is started. I'm going to give it a try too. Bunkie, my family was over Sunday night for dinner. I had a...
I'm cheering. I always wanted to have one of these and your instructions are so great...this might be the year I attempt it. Thanks!!!
A little acid in the soil will help a rhododendron get the nutrients it needs. They do well near pine trees.
Pretty...I especially like the alstromeria in the wine glass.
I like weeds and seeds ice cube trick. I can testify to the fact that phaleonopsis DO rebloom on the same spike. Mine have done this two...
Ooooo Sherry that hurts. Have you ever had a string of cheese reach out and slap you across the lip. That is a bad burn too. I've done it too many...
I'm drooling. I have always wanted to do this and have never gotten around to it. It's wonderful! Good job!
I am not positive but I think they like an acidy fertilizer...and I once heard that it isn't a good idea to plant them near any cement because...
Starting to see grass here in Southern NJ too...hooray!
Wow! You do have me beat. I don't think I could click that fast!
Very pretty! The tops of my bulbs are beginning to show.
They are so beautiful they almost don't look real. I would have taken as many pics as I could.
No in NJ. Going to barbecue tonight, did last night too. We are celebrating my future daughter-in-laws birthday tonight.
Capt Kirk, I'm with you...last night with snow all over the place (NJ) we had shrimp and steak on the barbie. It was delish!
Welcome from NJ
Thanks all, this orchid is worth the year wait to see the blooms. I took the picture with my little Kodak Easy Share camera. I usually use the...
Thanks Netty, Eileen the White Ergret sounds interesting. Good luck with it!
I love it and I love the idea of just pulling out random!
Separate names with a comma.