Beautiful blossom! but they look like wasps to me and I shiver at the thought of wasps! Lets hope they're bees and they're making yummy honey!
I put vine and hummingbirds into google and came up with the Trumpet vine hummingbird the site claims -...
I actually found a white paint powder pack on a website that was specifically for whiting out greenhouse windows, I will get looking at my history...
Thank you Frank, I think my favourite at the moment is the coleous. Gardengater to be honet I am not sure I am guessing mid to late March,...
Thank you Eileen and toni, I so hope they do well, I have just informed my hubby we need to get at least one more of each of the plugs as I want...
Thank you both, they are not the best photos but gives an idea of whats growing, I just need the weather to warm up so I can get out there, I did...
This shows how we are getting along with our seedlings you can see the picture of when we first got the plugs and how they are doing now the...
I worked in a retirement home once that allowed a resident to take her cat in with her, it lived in her room mainly but was allowed to prowl about...
when I grow up I wanna be a tiger just like mom!
I will have been married two years on the 5th of May and how time is flying doesn't seem long since I was getting ready that morning and shaking...
:smt082 :smt038 Thank you so much I was laughing so hard at the things it says under the photos. You made me laugh today! thank you.
New Kitten Pops, give your dog a treat today!
I Love it :-D a lot of that is very familiar! I have never seen that before.
:-D Thank you everyone.
Thank you Eileen and droopy dare I admit I might have been in that situation at some point :-D
Foot pump included
:-D :-D :-D I love them
All the seeds I am planting are new to me I have not grown anything from seed before, I have a lot already sown and they are doing well, The...
I love Geraniums they never seem to fail to please mine have got left out over winter as they did last year but I am sure they will provide me...
We have sown some petunia seeds that have poked their heads through, wow the seeds were tiny, we have also prematurely set some sunflowers going...
Separate names with a comma.