toni, thanks, I think I'll just keep throwing them in the garbage. I really do not want to do any damage to my roses. Have a great weekend.
Are coffee grinds ( used) good for my roses? We have a Keurig coffee machine and I have lots of the little "pots" left after each coffee. I was...
Droopy, WOW, sounds like you will have enough to keep you buusy after retirement. Unfortunately I decicated myself to my job and only had...
What are some good ideas for an indoor hobby ???? I am going crazy! I retired last May, what a STUPID thing to do! I am 66 years old and stuck in...
toni, Thank you very much for the information, I will go out tomorrow and plant what I have, after I scratch them. 8)
I took some pits from cherries my wife bought at the local store. Can I just plant te pits and grow a cherry tree? I have dried them out for about...
margie12u, Merry Christmas to you too and to everyone else here. Hope you all have a safe and healthy New Year.
Hello Everyone, Happy Thanksgiving to all :-D I hope everyone has a great day and gets to spend some time with all you love. My favorite...
It was really beautiful out today, I really wish it could stay this way all year long. :) I put my Corvette away for the winter a few weeks...
Thank you very much Coppice. That is exactly the information I was looking for. :)
A few weeks ago you people helped me out with a question about my Rose Of Sharon bushes. I waited for the buds (that did not bloom) to turn brown...
Thank you very much, have a great day. 8)
Hi, do I need to cut my rose bushes down low to the ground for the winter? moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic...
Thank you all for the help. I am going out now to put something around the bushes to collect the seeds when they fall. COOL! Have a great week.
Thank you very much. I will wait and take some cuttings in spring. Again, you people are the BEST!
That is awesome, should I leave the seeds in the pods to dry out or take the seeds out of the pods and let them dry out over the winter. Thank you...
Hello Everyone, I have not been around lately so I figured it was time for another dumb question. I have 8 Rose Of Sharon bushes in my yard (...
Everyone, thanks for the "how to" on the pictures. I will have my wife take a look at it for me. She is the computer expert around here. I am...
Hello, my name is Richard Cooper. I really want to thank everyone on this forum for being so very helpful. I bought a bunch of Rose Of Sharon form...
Hi, I have about 7 Rose Of Sharon bushes in my yard. They are doing very well this year because of all your help here. They have lots of...
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