Would love to see a couple of pics when you get chance
love the water feature, have the birds found it yet?
Thanks for the tip on soaking the beads first, I've used them in the past and they did raise the soil.
Looks sooo nice and inviting
Keeping a positive attitude is always a great start, but your toms are looking great!
I have a red Chenille plants but have never had seeds. It roots and transplants very easy, Do you know if it seeds readily?
You are right what a bad job to do for yourself, these guys can bite pretty hard. But it is sure a grand sight when finished
http://www.gardenstew.com/about4120.html here is a thread from the stew a while back for the cork screw vine. Looks like you should have nicked...
I'm sorry you guyes, with the cold still. In the south we are already in the high 80's.
Hello and Welcome, from Baton Rouge Louisiana. From North to South you will find a lot of knowledge and friendly gardeners here.
Carolyn, No I could not to it. The hole in the tree was only about 1 inch wide. The tree has closed the hole since then I guess the honey healed it.
Great end to a fantastic story. I had a hive in a hole in a tree near my compost, I was afraid of them at first. As we got to know each other....
Ahahaa.. Craig's list, your a woman after my own heart. When you see a deal there you've got to get there fast. Looks like you made it in the nick...
When do the berries appear?
Looking good Toni, How about some ligularia plants. They have new name Farfugium. They love shade (especially in the south) are fairly easy...
What or where will you put all of them?
The transformation is fabulous. When the "finds" turn out that great. Hats off to you. :smt028
The spaces will not be blank long, your plants will fill it soon!
I know how you feel Bunkie, There are those that give you the crazy eye for picking up mulch from the side of the road, but then ask for your...
Second set of photos to like duranta. Fast growing upright and blooms later for me when it is taken to the ground by a freeze the previous year.
Separate names with a comma.