I'm going to try this too. Thanks y'all
Will rhubarb grow in the deep south? Making my mouth water as I read the recipe.
Doesn't it seem like when you pull it up there is always a tiny part trying to grow? Thanks for the encougement to hang in there.
You are so organized, makes me think I need to get on the ball.
Our heat is one of the first things we need to consider in the south. I'd love to plant some of the beautiful peonies or fuchsia here. But I hate...
I got a cutting of an red one, it has rooted. When it gets going ( only 10 inches tall now) I'd be happy to send a piece your way, It is tropical...
Nettie, foliage and flower are jasmine esque.
Stink bugs? They usually make small spots on the skin and it is very dry where they have sucked out the juice, but it rarely turns black.
Just wonderful! I can picture it with a lovely blue clematis on it. Have you made any bottle trees? I'm dying to get one. Don't know where it will...
Make SALSA!, Our weather had been very dry. Dust bowl type dry. Parching heat and high humidity. Then four days of rain. The skin of every...
Nice to have you with us. Your ponds/fountians look great, keep up the good work. From Baton Rouge Louisiana!
YA!!! I can stop looking for it, thanks a bunch.
Cheryl, I'm no expert. but here's what I do for the citrus. A wide band of pine straw as mulch, it goes out as far as the branches. Early spring I...
That is one huge leaf. It made a super sized bird bath. It is fantastic.
Hows it going with lotus now. I had a problem last year, my plants looked the same. I did not check for bugs. I attributed it to the water temp...
Could it be a loquat, Eriobotrya japonica, the foliage looks very similar. Does it bear fruit?
[img] tree ( photo / image / picture from featherphobia's Garden ) Any body know what this is. I purchase it as a house plant. Planted it...
Antigonon leptopus / Rose of Montana Pretty vine that dies back at frost but returns from the root. Also comes is white. Not invasive my yard,...
I love all the cupheas. Batface is so showy, you're gonna love it. I've had it come back from seed before.
I'm with the other comments, looks really mean, and bites hard. Glad you got it out before it took a good hold. :setf_016:
Separate names with a comma.