i went ahead and pinched all my veggies and flower baby leaves. They seem to be doing okay. Only issue with my cucumbers is the leaves that are...
Wowee!! Beautiful job!!! I love it all!! Nothin wrong with a little tidy-ness as long as your still gettin your hands dirty! (and pants and knees...
ty. I just folded the filters in half and layed seeds in it, and sprayed the filter. the seeds themselves dont touchthe bag. I think it will...
Question about baggie method I didnt notice anything that says to put air in the baggies? My baggies seem flat against the seeds and im not sure...
Yes they have some flowers. I was suprised too! as ive stated that im new to this growing and i only started them on March 10th and they are...
Thanks for the info!!! Today after i find where i put the WD-40 and spray the windows, im going to open the windows for the day and let them...
Ok, its near time to get plants out doors but I dont know how to go from indoors to out. As ive stated before, my plants are inside the house...
Oh my goodness!! Those are soo beautiful!! how do you draw them? Do you just visualize images and just draw? or do you use other images and draw...
Thanks. I have all the plants uncovered now. They are in my house (right behind me while on the computer.) We had what probably was our last...
Wow i didnt know your national color was orange (: Thats neat. Thanks for sharing that info! The rose had a nice fragrance. Its a little...
So far the plants are doing fine (: I havent killed them yet LOL. They seem happy in their new homes all 'snug' (; And thank you for the...
yep and I am trying out your /the website idea on a few of my tomato and a couple tomatillo plants just to say i tried. (: I'll see in the near...
Thanks (: I sort of understand. I thought though that planting the to deeply will choke out the plant. Thats how come i didnt really...
Trudy> does it in any way affect (effect? lol) the way they taste in the end?
My sister is habing really bad issues with rabbits eating all her lillies. But shes one to use spray repellant. I sure hope you figure out whos...
What a great boquet of beautiful flowers yall are! (:
Hey heres a question... I notice you put the newly sprouted seedlings in a taller cup then nearly fill the dirt up to the leaves.. is that what Im...
StarLite and Hubby Easter 2008 Okay, here's me and hubby this past easter. Im just around 21 weeks pregnant in the photo. [img]
ohhh ok.. thanks!! and another ? I still have a few cucumbers that i need to transplant into bigger homes. Do i wait to pinch leaves off...
Ok, now that i have so many sprouts especially my squash plants that i have already seperated into their new homes and a couple of cucs.. is it...
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