Happy Birthday!! Its a lucky day to have a birthday!! Your sharing it today with the United States 235th birthday!!
How good are they?? Because Im deathly allergic to bees and wasps and all other cretures in that family....
First I have a climbing Josphs Coat rose. And the leaves have perfect circular holes in thme.. Does anyone know what could be wrong with it?...
Happy Birthday CANADA!!!!
for me it has to be [spoiler]
Any body have any ideas what this could be??
I was just wondering,where did you find your water lily tuber? I cant find anywhere that has them. And your pond is AMAZINGLY pretty!!
Thank yall soo much. I was already thinking of the lawsuit!!!
It is the running type. It is only at the fence as of right now. We rent this house out to people and have a new renter moving in this month. And...
My neighbor planted bamboo on his side of the fence and its grown under the fence to my yard! Is there anyway to get rid of it??
They are soo cute Philip!!! I got one that my friends found in the woods by their house. She was litteraly thrown out the window. A total of 6...
I learned that my freshman year of highschool!! Thank goodness for Ag classes in schools!!
added a few more. Im taking them on my phone.. my real camera isnt working.
I live in Memphis so knowing how the winters are going to be is like flipping a coin... I'll try the pots
I dont know?? I really love them being in the garden..
I got a pic of a few of the cattle up
I have this groundcover that has small dark leaves and small light blue almost white flowers.[img][/url] ( photo / image / picture from...
My mint is growing out of control!! I have about six or seven different kinds of mint and I love them but they are taking over my garden. Any...
Thanks all of yall! And dont worry I already am addicted!!
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