You are right. A tomato is a fruit. Here's how I remember it. I saw this on another forum, if I could remember who I got it from I'd give them...
it was -31f/-35c here when I came to work this morning. And no, my car did not start. We used to have block heaters in cars. But we don't have...
Thanks, I made it to work in this "weather" and really needed a lift.
durig the winter I would go for reading books also.
Tina, I'm sure your hollyhocks will be fine. Almost every hollyhock available is hardy to zone 3. Many are even hardy in zone 2. So a little...
Thanks, great for my morning! I happen to be going to the post office at lunch today, I'll ask for the correct postage.
USA "mutt" - my family has been here since the early 1600's and seem to have mixed with all other late comers.
It appears that even I couldn't ruin this reciepe. It is very good. Thanks. I really do love to bake. If it has chocolate in it I can make it....
This is like the one I make alot. ... etail.aspx It is yummy and has nothing to do with turkey or...
What a lovely garden and looks like a nice dog. Thanks for sharing the picture.
I'm in zone 4, we have pampas grass growing here. But when I look in catalogs, it says zones 7-10. I guess the cultavated type isn't as hardy as...
I printed out the reciepe - I'm going to try it. I do thank you for the encouragement also. Maybe I'll turn into a bread maker.
I was always told that was what caused my dense bread - over kneading. But then again, I never got anything but dense loaves so maybe it really...
I had a bread machine for years. Loved it. It finally got so the bread wouldn't come out of the pan. (guess I used it too much) I can't make...
What are you seeing for price increases in the cataloges you have recieved? I've been entering catalogs in the computer for our internal system...
I noticed the same thing last night mowing. Last year, this was my last week at work. I had brought lilacs in all week long. This year my...
shouldn't of had that last beer!
Good job!! We went hunting Sunday, but they are not up yet here. We're thinking if we get a couple days of 70's (19C)here, this weekend will be...
Very sorry to hear of your trouble. Hope things turn out great before long.
Thank you - What a good one!!
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