Hostas This is a picture of my hostas now, can anyone tell me what kind it is by the picture? [img] hostas ( photo / image / picture from...
how soon will they bloom? And how long do the flowers last? How tall do the stems get before they bloom, sorry so many questions but it is not...
nope, I did not even know it was there, I did not plant it, so surprise!
I found this plant while I was out looking at my Tiger Lilies and Irises, don't know what it is, I did not plant anything there. Can anyone tell...
I have no idea what cultivar they are, I even forgot what color they are, or what flowers they have! I hope they have the flowers that smell like...
Here is a updated picture of my Hostas, they are growing quite well don't you think? [img] hostas ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's...
Morning glories Here is a updated picture of the morning glories, they are growing quite well. Would it hurt the plants if I put wire in the pot...
morning glories If I just had them in a tangled mess instead of them trying to climb, would that be alright? They seem to have some trouble...
updated poinsetta picture Well, the red one died like everyone said they would but surprise surprise, here is the little white one, it has really...
I went to the dollar store with my hubby last night and saw they had a new seed display up, I went around to take a look and my hubby poked his...
I went out and put some extra potting soil on the hostas, also some on the daisies, I was just thinking about potting the iris up, I had not made...
I have a question, I have a Iris coming up that is not very tall at all, it is only about 2 inches tall. Here is the question, could I dig that...
update on daisies Here are my daisies. [img] update on daisies ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
updated hostas Here is what my Hostas look like now. [img] update on Hostas ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
I did not see any green ones just white ones, does that mean they are dead?
repotting mums I checked the potted mums that my hubby gave me and the roots were coming out of the drainage holes, so I got a bigger pot and...
tiger lilies replanted I wanted some tiger lilies one time but did not have a abundance of sunshine in the front where I could enjoy them, so I...
Window garden You are right Toni, it is the vine, so I added it to my little garden in the window, I have 2 Amaryllis plants, a poinsetta I got...
I have gotten a moonflower to grow and I was wondering if it would hurt it to go into the picture window, it has been under a flourescent lamp for...
morning glory seedlings I read that one of the other members here made a teepee for her morning glories to climb on, here is my version. Got a...
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