hanging baskets I don't have the support I need for a hanging basket at my desk, I put the pot on a couple of big books, do you think that might...
ok thanks for the info.
I do believe these are shasta daisy sprouts, they look strange but there is greenery showing. If that is what I think it is, I will be happy, I...
I have been here at the north end of the lake for about 5 or 6 years, it was just for the last couple of years that I thought about growing...
Congratulations! I am always glad when I hear someones plants are sprouting!
morning glory and moonflower seedlings The first picture is the morning glories and the second is the moonflower seedlings, going to try to have...
morning glory seedlings Here are mine, they are leaning because I had them in the window and they were leaning towards the light, but as you can...
sprouts I planted the morning glories last week, there are now 6 sprouts! Like I said, I don't know which ones are coming up now, so will be a...
mums coming back My big mum that my hubby got me is showing some life, the belgian mum is dead I think, I keep moving them to wherever the sun...
morning glory sprouts My morning glories in my sqauare pot are all coming up now, I have2 completely up and 2 more just showing a little.
Soaked 6 more Scarlett O'Hara morning glory seeds the other day, and now I have a sprout, don't know what color that this one is going to be...
Hybrid Rose I went out and cut the cane that was below the bud union, there was only one so I cut it off and put fingernail polish on it to seal...
morning glories I'll just let them climb indoors, I usually tie a string to something high and let them climb it. I put the lamp where it will...
Morning glories tangled up together Is there really any reason not to let them get tangled together? I was planning on keeping them indoors all...
lucky growing flowers I have had good luck with just about anything I grow, I am having trouble with my calla lilies. I only have one sprout and...
I know what mean about climbing fast, I have a trellis in front of my house and they climb all the way to the top and over the top! I just get...
How much more do these seeds need to sprout before I can put them in a pot? I have 3 as you can see, although I can't remember whether it is...
The mystery plant is a Butterfly Bush. The fellow that gave it to me emailed me and told me that was what it is, it is in the high 50's, it says...
Bringing a hardy mum indoors Would it be possible for me to bring the smaller Belgium Mum indoors? I would like to have one indoors, but don't...
The fellow who gave me the mystery bush says it is a Butterly Bush, it might bloom this year I hope so. The flowers are white and small, he had a...
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