Thanks everyone! I just seem to be in the right place at times Frank I have never seen it before either you should have seen me running for the...
Now this little fellows feet has to be really cold. And he hung there long enough for me to get several photos :) [img] Gold Finch ( photo /...
Thanks everyone!
"Stick Em Up" & "Chubby" More Winter Been really having some fun taking photo's of the birds since the snow started. The Juncos have moved from...
Thanks so much everyone! SO EXCITED!!!!
Wonderful photos...there are a few I have never seen you can send them my way if you want :)
Thanks everyone! :)
So cute! I have some of his cousins :)
Wow Thanks everyone! I swear I am not a pro I just started taking photos this spring as a hobby. And I really enjoy it very much. EJ The yellow...
Got our first small snowfall the other day and the birds were out like crazy. Captured this shot and thought I would share it with my Garden Stew...
What a wonderful story...Made me cry!
Got snow here this morning also Capt. :(
Wonderful photo's I love to watch them move across the sky! Something magical about it.
Droopy your right. When I first saw it I thought it was a baby Blue Jay it was so fast all I saw was it's mohawk LOL!
To Cute! :)
What a wonderful video just made my day!
Gardening Blues...Ask The Garden Stews!
Good morning! Working on my second cup and checking out the Stew before I have to head to the studio to start work!
Kay so far my Flickers are staying on the ground and the trees. I guess looking for ants and stuff...they have not came to the suet cakes yet. I...
Capt. that is funny you said this because I did notice it came to the feeder with the chickadee. And reminds me of them both are fast...they hit...
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