Thanks Netty!
I got dill and parsley written down and will add the fennel to my list Thank you toni!
I am going to have to see about this. I am looking for plants to put in what I call "my milkweed patch" this next spring. So far I have common...
Thanks everyone! I will have to go to J&P website I have tried to find my papers LOL no luck. But I got all my roses from J&P except the Blue Moon...
WOW! Thanks so much my "honey do list" just grew :) love the natural feeders and the recipes!
I am going to have to get my book out and check into this :)
Thank you marlingardener I do have some meal worms for the blue birds and I will try the cracked corn. I never realized the beauty of this bird...
Very well stated I am new here and you could not have said it better. I live in the rural area and not many get to see the beauty of one's hard...
This year was the first year I have had a Red-Headed Woodpecker, I have red-bellied, and downy woodpeckers a plenty. But I can not seem to get...
What's a Macro? Is that zoom? Sorry just started taking pics this year. But I use a Kodak EasyShare C182 and used the zoom feature.
What a beautiful wedding love the colors! Looks like a great time. Wonderful photo's!
This rose was planted in my garden in memory of my stepfather. I call it my fire rose.. he had a lot of fire in him :) I am trying to go back and...
Wow very pretty I like the Sundew very unique!
Mine seem to open their wings more when they are direct sunlight :) I get photo's of my butterflies between 11 am and 3 pm they seem the most...
Wonderful photo's what great vivid colors!
Here is what it looks like with wings open..even more pretty :) [img] Gray Hairstreak (open wing) ( photo / image / picture from...
Your welcome! I have a open wing photo if you want to see it. I get this one confused a lot with the Eastern Tailed Blue they look so much alike :)
Wrote that one down on my wish list :) Thank you! I wish I would have paid more attention to the names when I planted all my roses.
I believe that is a gray hairstreak butterfly. Did you get to see what the inside wing pattern was? They are very very tiny and mine are always...
Separate names with a comma.