Gorgeous photos. And how lucky you are to have such brightly colored birds on your property. And snow! Beautiful!
Our raised bed finally has the raspberries in it. My husband was out there with his angle finder, saw, PL Premium Glue, and air nailer getting the...
I usually hire a gardener to trim our two mature apple trees. They'd been neglected for years prior to us buying the house. We knew the basics on...
I can't say as how I've paid any attention to this rhodo the past couple of winters/springs seeing as how its at the back of the property, so for...
Thanks. Overall length is 20 feet. We have it set up and ready to plant the raspberries but were too tired and will finish the job tomorrow. My...
Very pretty. So there is a full moon tonight? I was trying to figure out why my horses were acting so weird when I fed them tonight. Kind of...
This rhodo was already planted here when we bought the house. It has bloomed the past two years. We had a fairly mild winter here, just outside...
I have a fairly young rhododendron in the back yard. We've lived here for nearly 3 years and have done nothing to this overgrown patch of garden...
This morning my husband built a raised garden bed out of garden ties. We're going to plant raspberries in here. We've put till in and right now...
I should have gone back today to see if the swans are still there to get better daytime pictures rather than at dusk. I had my flash on but the...
I agree with Jewel. I've never known our raspberries to be invasive. I kind of wish they were and would take over because I really love those...
There were 4 eagles soaring overhead but of course by the time I got out of my car with the camera they'd flown too far to get decent shots,...
Wow! Good job! I had to look twice before I realized it was a painting and not a photo.
I just heard on the news that someone from South Carolina just bought a ticket from a scalper for the opening ceremonies that are starting soon....
Here's a few more photos of some of the vehicles. I swapped my husband the dogs for the camera and can you believe he didn't take a photo of the...
So many people, so few bottles of Coke Zero being passed out to the crowd as the Olympic torch passed through my town on its way to Vancouver. I...
Round Up is no longer widely sold in Canada though I think Wal-Mart still carries it. I might have to wage battle on those little bulbs as they...
Last summer I tried to take back the overgrown front garden. Got it weeded, put down landscape cloth, and bark mulch. Not only do I have weeds I...
I have a monkey puzzle tree in my front yard, but then I'm near Vancouver, BC and we don't normally get harsh winters. We usually get a couple of...
That's too bad about the oak. Down to about 2 feet? Were they arborists or loggers? We have a huge old cedar tree in the backyard, kind of...
Separate names with a comma.