Ah, I was wondering that too about keeping seeds in plastic. I have always just used the little manila envelopes - I think I got them at the...
Wow that is really nice! Congratulations on your good deal :) I like how there is a little starburst thingy in your picture, the chrome is...
It's kind of misty here this morning, and it would be all right if we had some rain. Then I wouldn't have to water the vegetable garden!
I agree with the others that are suggesting a good prune job. I remove the any leaves on the bottom 6" of stem, just so I don't get any water on...
Sounds like everyone's weather is very hot! Another sunny day here, and I'm picking raspberries. It's a great harvest this year and I'm putting as...
Are they both the same kind of Parsley? If they are, why not just use the leaves off the newer plant. If they are different types of Parsley,...
It's another nice day here, around 21C or so. Just fine for working outside in the garden and getting the lawn mowed. Have a nice day :)
"Put's a new spin on brown nosing it." Ha, good one Tooty!
In the town where we used to live, the town staff actually gave out awards for the brownest lawns, lol. They were trying to encourage using the...
When I looked at the article, my first thought was that's kinda crazy. But, Pianolady, you bring up a good point. I'm sure there'd be a whack...
Netty, do you know why it won't seem to grow for you? There are defintely some plants that I seem to have trouble with every time I give them...
And one more... a Valerian. Beautiful fragrance! [img] ( photo / image / picture from CaribooValley's Garden )
Yes thanks Netty. I realized that when I went back in to edit my photos, which I had in the wrong place for the captions. I'm learning how to...
I have quite a few different plants in our flower gardens. They are all hardy to -30C, as sometimes winters do get that cold. Here are two of...
Thanks, Frank. It's nice to be here. Barb, I had to go over to my website to find out the name. I am terrible with bird identification, but on...
Love that barn and love the self kicking machine, very funny!
Beautiful! I love the colour of the flowers.
Yes you did say it was easy to post pictures and you were right. Maybe I can start a thread in Wildlife with some more bird pictures? We have a...
It worked! lol....
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome. I am going to try to add a picture to this post. This little bird came and hung out on our porch railing...
Separate names with a comma.