Cherries from seeds do not usually breed true to type. Do not prune your tree yet, however when it is in its dormant phase, it would be a good...
Nightly frost now. I have chillies in a tunnel still. Outside I have various brassica types, chicory, chard, leeks, ruccola (loads, self seeded...
Ha ha, that was a few years ago. Not much action out there this morning apart from a couple of calendulas.
Your onions may die back in a too cold winter, but they will regrow in spring.
@Tetters Kimchi is a Korean dish. It is a spicy lacto fermented cabbage and vegetable dish. We make it sometimes.
Daikon it is, really good in kimchi too.
Squish em
From left to right. Habanero and cayenne pickled in vinegar. The shiny ones in the middle are sambal olek type and the last ones are sweet Thai...
This will definitely warm our bellies for many a dinner. [ATTACH]
I did a bit of harvesting. [ATTACH] The Little Bowl in front contains sliced chillies in vinegar and sesame oil.
5000 not 50000 was the amount. At 10 euros the kilo in the local store, with 50 000 garlic you could be rich
Dunno, they don’t really Look like bad guys though.
I think the closer one is an avo
Dahlias [ATTACH]
Yup on my terrace in front of my house. They love the trumpet vine flowers.
We call them daymoths. The french call them oiseau mouche which translates to bird fly.
About your garlic, you should plant it between now and mid November. I give my garlic well matured compost when planting and again in spring. Be...
A good watering and harvesting beans and chilli and courgettes
Separate names with a comma.