They are just too cute. No wonder they sleep so much..they never stop moving..LOL
Dont make me break out into my Kung Fu !!!
Lots of fun ideas forya!!...
Those stone plants. There kinda ok when theres a flower on them but otherwise there ugly!!
The wall socket might be bad. Tell her to check and see if it is fried. She might also need a new power cord. you can pick one up just about...
Theres my Golden tree!!! I do so love it!!! :sete_005: :sete_005:
Dont people plant things that give back to the soil?? I dont recall any at the moment..LOL
Did you cry?? I know I would have!!! So very nice of them to do that for you!! How long did you work there??
I like Unicorns !!! [img] LOL
Happy B-Day!!! [img]Happy B-Day :smt006
Ohh man ...First snow today!!! :smt019 Very windy and 29 degrees!!! I am going back to bed!! UGGG....
Happy B-Day.. [img]
Hello to all !!! Nice to see you both GG and Mandy. Let the party begin!! LOL
ohh there cute!!!
My mom always had a garden and one year she grew really cool stuff for us kids. She grew pop corn and Spaghetti Squash. Fresh tomatoes off the...
When you sign up some of the sites tell when there next seed and plant magazine starts shipping out. Some start in December.
Welcome Friend!! ... _basil.htm Lots of good info!!
I want to try that too..didnt have luck with paper towels.
LOL you people crack me up!! Throw away a perfectly good herb??? Are you mad!! Off your meds?? You better eat it!! :lol:
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