A bunch of us went out shooting. Here's a video of my girlfriend's daughter shooting a Mac 10 SMG. Mac 10 For some reason, I seem to be the...
One of these days I will get that grill into the back of my truck...
BTW - you can buy them, or seeds, on the internet. Do a Google search for the species name and look around.
Some people put them into desert landscaping, but the state classifies them as a weed. Here's a shot of the whole plant. Prickle Poppy 2
They vary for the same reason housing prices vary so much from one area to another. Supply and demand. For example: Housing in Los Angeles runs...
Got a pic of an Arizona Prickle Poppy (Argemone munita, also called the Cowboy's Fried Egg) growing behind the library. Prickle Poppy
Posted a couple of updates to the site, including a rough floor plan for the expansion.
Adding more pictures now.
I went to the local renaissance festival yesterday. Here is a link to part of the pictures I took. I will be adding a lot more (and possibly some...
Updated the site today.
I water and mist the plants aiming for 60-80% humidity in the tank. The plants are rooted in coconut fiber, and fertilized by whatever the toads...
We've already had some holdups. The county decided we needed a complete soil analyses, which added 4-6 weeks onto the schedule.
The room should be built in about two and a half to three months. We'll see what actually happens.
Thought I'd post a link to the small webpage I've put together for the expansion of my library. There's not much there, currently, but more...
Optical illusion. Just keep looking at the pic. Don't look away... [img]
Look at the frog in the first pic, the one looking right into the camera, and tell me he isn't smiling...
There's a reason why the White's tree frog are sometimes known as 'the smiling frog'.
New pics of the Library Animals Bip and Bop, the new Library Frogs The Fire Bellied Toad Vivarium Fire Bellied Toad hanging out...
Bring a camp chair. Rocks are cold and hard.
Nope, that was a couple of friends on a Djembe, a Dumbek, and a handcarved Native American flute. I was recording the music and watching the belly...
Separate names with a comma.