I think I planted tulips this year but they didn't germinate, i've got some bulbs for daylilies myself this time around, and hope they do...
she sounds like a real hand full. To deter her from cords and stuff, get kitty chew toys, she might just be teething :). I know you probably...
this year it was way too cold, I have seen many different butterflies and moths, but we arn't really in any monarch path, but they do breed here,...
Felix is actually my therapy cat. He knows when I'm upset, so I baby him a lot lol. He has a loving home with us :). I'm glad I have him, I just...
So I aquired a kitten last year around november. When I got him from my friend, he was so tiny *and malnourished :(* [img] When I brought...
I think I saw one or two monarchs, but i don't think they really like it here in NY lol. Beautiful shots btw
Here's my doppelganger, we confuse and entrance the world together because on one can tell who his dad is since he looks exactly like me. [img]
Good morning, it's 38 and my windows have frost :( boo.
oh gosh I don't want to think about it... though it is supposed to get below freezing here tonight, I brought in my strawberries rosemary nd...
A very happy birthday to you!
good morning, hopefully everyone is feeling better than I do right now! 57 and cloudy. Supposed to rain today :(
I am having a hard time rooting my stevia cuttings, It's sad because I enjoy just chewing on the leaves in general :/. But i have a bunch of...
I found this article: http://www.stevia.com/stevia_article/gr ... tevia/8077 Best of luck!
I was diagnosed with depression and when I say something about it I'm usually told I don't need medicine I just need to get over it. *I have to...
So I was able to get the broccoli to grow again and it is braving the outdoors once again... with a hitch... there is a rose bush stem in the...
beautiful! There are cardinals around here, I caught a fuzzy picture of the elusive female!!! He is a beauty though :D *cardinals are my favorite...
I was told by the man who sold me my stevia that it acts just like sweet basil, to treat it as I would basil itself, so water and full light and...
my normal tomatoes have juuuust flowered, I have 3 fruits growing so far, so yeah it might be a close one thise year with tomatoes up in NY area >.<
Oh wow you're way down south :) I'm from the finger lakes region myself :D
I dunno what possessed a deer to come so far into town. My parents yard has two huge high fences blocking the yard from neighbors and then the...
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