If you choke a smurf,What color does he turn? :setc_057:
Try using what we call "hog" panels - its about 2" X 2" squares and bend pretty easily. Chicken wire would work as well but is a a bear to work...
Has anyone tried these: 'http://www.topless-sandal.com/' Wasn't what you thought, huh?? :-D I hate shoes :sete_026: and these sound like...
Colorado is breaking records for this time of year. The average should be around high 70's - 80's and we've been AVERAGING 95-100's every day...
Best friends - thats soooo sweet.
Good thinking outside the box!! That is really really pretty and when it becomes overgrown with roses and clematis I WANT TO SEE PICS!! Soooo...
never had it that way, I'll try it, sounds goooooood!
Ohhh, and the next day break it up and add milk and eat it like cereal the next morning or later than night (its gotta dry out just a bit) as a...
Geeeze! Tom and I were just talking about cornbread last night - were you reading our minds??? We're going to have it with fresh caught brookie...
I agree, lets adopt him as our mascot - he seems to get along with everyone well, even the gnomes...
Glendan, don't go to the lumber yard - too expensive!! Do you have a construction recycle place where you live? If so, call them. Or, call a...
Dooley, he looks soooo sweeet! Bet he gives wonderful kisses! How is he with the gnomes?
Oooooh! Morning Glories - send pics when you get it placed, I'll bet its going to be beautiful.
Dooley, it would make a wonderful trellis for a trumpet vine :)
Did Bugs say "wine"??? Send some this way - its miserably hot here in Colorado and a little frightening to be honest. Our "summer" doesn't really...
ooooooh a suprise - hope its romantic with red roses and champane and good s... well, you know :)
Gardenstew, if you re-schedule your annual beard trimming does that mean you'll have to re-schedule your annual bath too?? :smt022 Please don't...
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