Gurney's is having a sale on grape vines and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about growing them. I have a small area that I would love...
Oh, my. How many times have I thought of this????
gate, waiting for
Why thank you Jujabe, how nice of you. I'm flattered.
stood proud and
Thanks everyone! I like the idea of using a soda bottle to contain the spray and burn them. With our Colorado sun it should be fairly easy to do...
Oh, please don't misunderstand - WalMart and Home Depot are my favorite places to shop!! Just never had any luck with their seeds but any other...
Oooooh, pretty! I've never had anything from WalMart sprout! Congrats. Keep us posted, looking forward to seeing it as it grows.
and showing off
My yard is being overrun :'( :'( :shock: with bindweed. Its taken over everything. I hate the thought of pulling it as it just leaves the...
I bought a push mower here for $80/US but the shipping for you would be outrageous! Sorry I can't be of more help.
Eileen, you'll never know how bad I needed to laugh this morning! Thank you!
the back flips
I use the internet at work and they block us from myspace so I'm afraid I can't view them. Do you have a brochure by chance, I'd really love to...
talented he really
*If you need a laugh, then read through these Children's Science Exam Answers. Q: Name the four seasons. A: Salt, pepper, mustard and...
I like it! I look lousy in short hair and admire anyone that can pull it off!
Denee, you are some artist!! Wow! what talent! Do you have a website? My boyfriend is also an artist and a collector as well and I KNOW he'd be...
Mmmmm.... I smell bread baking in the kitchen, and can taste the fresh mint iced tea I'm drinking while sitting on your deck... the grass feels...
goofy with joy
Separate names with a comma.