I don't know what to say. :'( Glad to know I'm not the only one who has suffered from this nasty disease. My poor husband is suffering right...
Happy Happy Birthday!!! :smt113
Glad to know I'm not the only offender!! Ditto to what they all said! :-D
So glad to have you back!!! :setf_016:
Those little guys are cute!!!! The phlox are pretty too! I think I need to invest in more phlox. I have one HUGE plant that I have moved all...
Kind of makes you wish she could talk doesn't it?
I think it's racoons getting into my cat food container in the garage :-? I bought the coolest "coon-proof" bungee cord thing that snaps over...
My only forum also! (Just wish I had more time to spend here!) :-P
Has anyone started a clematis from seeds? What can you tell me? I've been thinking of a clematis for a long time, then I watched one of Philip's...
How do you find this out? Where do I begin to look?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :smt113 Hope it's a great one!
I am thinking a dried allium of some sort
The easiest, most care-free plant in the garden!! :-D
I think it was Mary that posted a picture of her "Hosta Crewcut" (at least I hope it was :oops: ) Any hoo... I have a photo to make her feel...
We are ok in Klamath Falls, so far :shock: Our neighbors to the east, in Sprague River are the ones suffering :'( I can't remember the number...
Pretty pretty pretty :wink: My mom used to grow the most gorgeous gladiolas! Too bad they don't have a fragrance :-? I must try some next...
Definitely "Zepherin Droughin" for me too! Not only is it almost thornless it is pink and fragrant :-P The "Sceptered Isle" is gorgeous! Is it...
Sending get well hugs from Oregon!!!! :-D
vegetables 1. Bagel 2. Teal 3. Sleet 4. Table 5. Vest
Separate names with a comma.