I have some vacation scheduled for October. I have a cousin in Austin I haven't seen since we were both 17. (Don't ask when that was) There is...
about 2am. In my slumber I heard a couple of coyote's yodeling pretty close. Maybe just a hundred yards or so from my bedroom window. Then I...
85 degree's F and 65% humidity. Only lasted an hour and a half. Good thing a lot of hoeing was done through the week. Maybe I'll get the...
I covered a large section of garden with several inches of chipped wood. I thought I was doing a good thing to suppress weeds and conserve soil...
There was a frost here while I was in Omaha! Fiddlesticks!!! Lost about half the cabbage starts, and about 5 of the tomato's don't look so good....
don't know how to do the photo thing. It isn't a priority with me. At least right now. I had another Aunt (she divorced my blood Uncle years...
I'm off to visit with family in Muscatine, Iowa and Omaha, Nebraska. I've only had brief encounters with the ones from Iowa in years. The ones...
They have returned!!! This year I have actually observed the hen/female. I do hope they are nesting. We are at the very southern boundary of...
As I have posted here before, I'm a garden host for a refugee family. So far, they have only been here twice to do gardening work. They are not...
Go home April, you're drunk! And to keep this gardening related, I potted up my tomato plants today. In the ground in 5 weeks?
I got the pea's planted. Started some more cabbage (Copenhagen Marketmore) and started tomato's. Opalka, from saved seed, Brandywine, and some...
that I planted last fall. I have 3 cabbages, 3 kale, and a dozen kohlrabi still alive and growing! the cabbage is just starting to head up....
and I found some open pollinated canna seeds harvested from some of the ones that I had bred. I won't be growing canna again for a long time. If...
Actually, they, have sprouts. I didn't yell at anyone. Everybody lived. Thanks for all the advice and well wishes. Thanks for the offer of...
Today, I relinquish control of my garden to someone else. A family of Rwandan refugee's have been adopted by my wife. I am going to...
A couple of weeks ago I got T-boned by a 72 year old woman with no insurance. I'll not get any recompense from her as she has nothing and is...
Today, we shall purchase a new to us vehicle. I have made a 'virtual' deal on it already. It is 1 hour 45 minutes away. Fun times ahead. The...
when the EMT asks me if I'm allergic to anything. I said yeah, PAIN! A 72 year old uninsured motorist ran a traffic light yesterday at 45MPH...
in the case this actually works.....................I'll be completely surprised! I got out some cabbage, kohlrabi, and kale seedlings just about...
well, today I spent another few hours trying to save my tomato's. We are finally starting to get some dry, although humid weather. Observations,...
Separate names with a comma.