just can't seem to get up to planting turnips. I've got another week or so before it is too late for that. I've got a small patch of the 'Aunt...
Same line of work (hauling trash), only with a different company. I double the commute, but, eventually (weeks/months) will have a $4-6 dollar...
I've got some 'bout ready to harvest. They're huge! Best practices for storage? Anyone?
Just like the title says. Missus, Boy 1, Boy 2, and grandkids think it stinks. Nothing more than Cabbage, salt, and a bit of well water in a...
Tendrils of mist rise from the former pasture. They dance briefly in the sunlight over the tall grass moving in the wafting breeze before...
[img] ( photo / image / picture from fatbaldguy's Garden ) [img] ( photo / image / picture from fatbaldguy's Garden ) Above are...
a decent lawn, until you start a new garden bed? :-x Best grass I've ever grown is in my vegetable garden.
is the way to go. I just planted 80 feet of beets in the time it took to walk it!
the rhubarb, asparagus, and peonies are just showing 'knuckles'. Prepared some beds for cabbage and other cole crops. How's everybody been?...
and the temps dropped from 60F to 37F. I failed to dress properly for the temps. I worked outside from 6am til 4pm. I did have a rain...
Tried to do a fermenting style of pickles. The liquid went slimy. :shock: Any idea's for the next attempt? Fermenting/live food type idea's...
and today I can see better than I have been able to for years. I've been using my left eye the most for reading and such since it was not as...
Has had the cataract lens transplant surgery? My eyes get measured today, and the right eye gets done next Wednesday. The left of course...
that I sort of lost interest in posting here at the 'Stew'. Sure, I'm getting some rain now :roll: . Not much has changed. The inmates still...
http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/courier/ ... mode=story :smt028 :mrgreen:
to drive me nuts. (yeah, I know, It ain't a drive, it's a putt) This weekend, I got 35/100ths rain. Just one and one half miles north got...
I'll be planting beets, turnips, and yes, rutabaga's this weekend. I've never had them, just wondering what there is I should know about them?...
The Kennebec's that I planted on Good Friday. Planted 5 #'s of seed potato's and dug 50#. Of course Penny and Tink ate their fair share before I...
1.1 inches according to my rain gauge. My plants were doing the happy dance. :stew1:
weeding. I just came out of them a couple of minutes ago. Time to get out of the heat. Almost caught up on weeding. Still have to water...
Separate names with a comma.