would tomatoes benefit from fish emulsion?
I have a pink Angel Trumpet that came up from last years root. It was so pretty and big, now it has two limbs that just wilted so I cut off the...
Does copper tape keep slugs away? If so where do you buy it? I am looking for anything to get rid of slugs and keep them away.
Angel trumpets I bought seed from Spring Hill Nursery.They are double yellow double white and double purple & white.I don't know the name of them...
I an growing angel trumpets from seed which has been a slow go. But now they are about 1 and 2in.tall so, I think they may make it.I have been...
I don,t know what the seed look like but if they have a hard shell try cracking them as you would a moonvine.take a very sharp pointed knife and...
Roses Should I cut it back?Or just leave it and see what happens? I'm new at this.
I live in north Miss.After reading that they liked lots of water I thought I would move them to this place that stays wet well into the summer.But...
I dug up my elephant ear in the fall and set them out the first of March.I know they like a lots of water so I set them out in a place that stays...
I kept a black elephant ear all winter,put it out when it turned warm,then a late frost hit it and ruined the leaves.Do you think it will put on...
If you move a rose bush that has buds on it, will it live and if so ,will it bloom this year?
Calla Lillies Thank You,That was helpful. The bulbs are standing in water so I am going to move them this afternoon.We've had a lot of rain since...
Can you plant Calla Lily bulbs in a wet place? It stands in water.
Can Hibiscus be started from seed? If so,How long does it take for them to germinate?
Does any one know the best way to plant seed for Angel Trumpets? I have read several articles and some say they need a long time to germinate,...
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