Wow, they look stunning, Petals! The name Lucifer is very apt, the red is so fiery you can almost feel it. I have a few in my garden, but only...
Oh no, it didn't sound negative at all! I am just shocked to learn that those little cuties can be little terrors too! :shock: I can well...
Tooty2shoes, I do apologise for my ignorance, I never knew that about sparrows! Unfortunately we don't have bluebirds here in The...
I've had the exact same thing happen to my yellow pole beans. I'm sure that in my case a bunch of young birds (sparrows) are the "offenders",...
Pricklypear, sounds great! I am neither city nor country person, most of The Netherlands is somewhere inbetween, but well on the way of becoming...
Hi Bfrakes81, do you by any chance have a photo showing this shrub in bloom? Seeing the flowers on it might help towards identification, I think....
Front yards are often the cause of problems with either neighbours, or, as in this lady's case, with the local authorities.I think as long as...
Stratsmom, now you mention it, I do have some dried flowers (shop-bought), and they do indeed smell a bit odd. The ones in garden have no...
Never knew collecting seed from these beauties was so easy: a few of the spent flowers I'd cut off had fallen in the border, and just now I found...
In my 2nd garden, I sowed a flower-meadow mixture. I knew there were calendula seeds in there, but I didn't know there were so many different...
The flowering sage did look like yours, Jerry, the leaves were kind of narrow. Here's a picture of my 'non-flowering' sage, with rounder &...
They were planted when I moved in three years ago.One of them was lifted & re-planted last year. Neither of them give any flowers :( By the...
Shame nobody has any ideas on this one, because I do love those sage flowers. :'( I'll do one of my little experiments: this autumn I'll...
Yes, sorry, forgot to specify that the sage in question is Salvia Officinalis :stew1:
Just realised that I posted this question on the fruit & veg forum, oops :shock: Quickly removed it so I can re-post here. I have three...
Oops, unfortunately I too kind of gave things away. He usually knows something's up when I have a certain grin on my face. :lol: (Otherwise he...
Carolyn, I can just picture my boyfriend's face when he sees my shopping list for next week, featuring diapers..... :lol: Brilliant idea, and...
Oh dear, Debbie, don't be sad! You 've probably just had some bad luck. I'm sure your thumbs are a bright shade of green, because you love...
Debbie, what a shame you're all the way over there in Oz, otherwise I would have gladly shared my J. Artichokes with you! Did you plant the...
Ooooh, Cherylad, just TOOOO funny!! :lol:
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