I have several of this in a large pot as you can see. They send out the large blooms in the summer and I'm trying to identify it for my garden...
I can't remember who I got them from :( and good idea to not put them into 'My Garden' until I know what they are. Thanks Toni
Good morning Toni, here is where I got the information from - http://www.usna.usda.gov/Newintro/hibiscus.pdf so in your opinion what should I use...
Toni, I got the seeds in a seed trade. They're marked White Hibiscus, Pink Hibiscus and Purple Hibiscus. This is what the seed looks like. If you...
The original information I have came from http://www.usna.usda.gov/index.html http://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=HISY also has...
Not so much a request for an ID as it is to straighten out my confusion between what I have in my plant notebook and what is shown in the plants...
Thanks @Droopy for the welcome, I'll definitely be posting more photos in the upcoming days.
Thanks very much @2ofus glad to be here
Thanks @2ofus that's what I'd heard too especially Phals. Since I'm retired I've got the time to try and keep them healthy and having a greenhouse...
Thanks so much @102christa I'd never tried orchids before I got these and it took some reading an help from folks on another site to get me...
Sounds good Philip, matter of fact I just bought some neem oil extract today to spray on my Oleander seedlings to get rid of the aphids.
That makes sense Eileen, I've got a lot around here including several nests in my trees.
Thanks Eileen, I've found that the right water type, I've got a table-top reverse osmosis system and the right food, I use MSU which helps a lot....
Thanks Philip and Eileen, well I started out with 23 and I'm down to 15 but when I got these it was already a month after Mothers Day so they were...
Thanks Philip, I've got some photos of my orchids posted will have to add other plants in the upcoming days.
Snails are a huge problem around here. I've never seen them do that though. Could be birds too as you said we've tons of grackles and starlings...
Thanks Frank, appreciate it.
I noticed what's in the photo the other day on one of my Hibiscus. As far as I can see there were only two buds like that none of the others seem...
Some of the plants I currently have growing, my first are the Phalaenopsis orchids I rescued from Walmart last year after Mothers Day. [IMG]...
That is one of the next things on my list Toni.
Separate names with a comma.