Hi BreAna and welcome to GardenStew! Actually, roses can be moved anytime of the year. It might be best (and easiest) to move them while...
Welcome from Missouri Lee! I'm kind of new here myself but finding the place very friendly and helpful. Art
Hi cherylad, Well, I've never grown caladium myself but I do know that you need to make sure the tubers don't become too dry over winter....
Welcome from Missouri Brian!
Hi unknownfame and welcome to a great garden site. I'm from Missouri, retired, and love growing flowers from seed.
Hi Don and welcome; this is a great place to hang out, you'll like it a lot. I'm from Missouri and we get plenty of free "chocolate M & M's" here...
Thanks for the welcome Tooty!
Hi Kat and welcome from Missouri! I'm new here myself, but the folks here make it real easy to feel right at home. You're going to love this place!
Oh my, they're all so pretty! Since I'm such a sucker for yellow, I think my favorite would have to be "Double Down" - They're all gorgeous though...
Thanks so much for the welcome toni. I agree about seeing photos from different places, I always find that interesting.
Thanks so much KK, Donna, and TheBip! Your welcome posts are very much appreciated.
Hi lukeypukey, Not sure what kind of Datura seed you have. I've only grown D. metel; some purple and some yellows. In both cases, germination...
Thank you very much lukeypukey, Jerry, and Frank I'm feeling at home already!
Thanks cherylad, kathyd, and lukeypukey! Even though you were not able to help with this one, it was nice that you responded to my post; I...
Oh my goodness; this is a friendly place! I just joined today and can't believe all these wonderful welcome posts. Thank you very much, all of...
Hi everyone; new here and looking for some help. I recently purchased some Iochroma cyaneum 'Royal Blue' seeds. I intend to start them under...
Hi everyone! This looks like a fun place to hang out and I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you more experienced gardeners. I'm retired and loving it!...
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