Yes!!! But look for two ways to adjust one makes your stichs longer one wider, maybe two knobs or one that does both. Can you sew w/ it? You could...
I hope it's a fern but it looks a lot like the baby trees I have been fighting :-? . As big as it is your going to have a time trying to get rid...
I'm so sorry but that is the back. Do you happen to have one of the front? Just a guess but I would still say that it does. It is old but not that...
If you can put a pic of all the knobs on the front I might be able to tell you witch one. I could be wrong but if it is new enough to have a...
It's very pretty. My iris has never bloomed just keeps growing. I think I will replant this year.
I'll trade my bindweed and dandelions for you shasta :lol: . Your boardwalk looks really good w/ your bridge and pond.
Your garden looks beautiful. I like your plant hanger by the front door. So much to do and see, yet I bet you could spend hours just sitting.
Thanks for the encouragement...I will sit on my hands! :shock:
I planted 6 old fashion bleeding hearts, 3 pink and 3 white. Two of the pink have come up and one has little baby hearts :mrgreen: . Which I...
Wow! A must to explore if I can sit still for a min.
Howdy! Good luck w/ the veggies.
I hope you find the perfect spot, it's lovely!
Those are wonderful. I have a friend who has some but I'm never around that late. I'll have to hit her up for some seeds.
Howdy! Make yourself at home, everyone is so nice and helpful around here.
I was going to get one for the back yard but, can't find one around here. For some reason the stores didn't reorder this year. Makes you start to...
I like them all, and will check out the dollar store, but I think you kept the best sun for yourself.
With the jars and Christmas lights do the jars get to hot. It sounds really pretty but I don't want to burn down the house or little fingers.
Howdy from TX!
I'm so proud of myself 8) . I have learned how to get pics on here (easy for some...not me)and my hydrangea are doing wonderful. I planted some...
I think I might have this pic thing figured out so here goes nothing. I only hope the pics come out so you can see something. clematis [img]...
Separate names with a comma.