Beautiful! Even the dandelions look good. When we visited our friends who live up in Alaska, I was in awe of the mountains and all the water...
Where there's a will, there's a way. I hope your squirrels aren't so smart!
Absolutely gorgeous! I have a hard time with them here in my sandy soil, although the wild lupines do fine. Seeing yours, makes me want to try...
I just finished reading "A Darker Domain" by Val McDermid. It's about a detective who finds herself working with two cases that originated in the...
They're're lucky to have them as visitors.
Looks like a fun toy! Is your camera motion activated??? My friends put one out in their woods and have had bears come right up to the lens!...
Maybe a Filipendula??? Not sure what species though. The foliage definitely looks familiar like I may have it here in my yard, although it's not...
Looks great, and love the foliage. They're a bit touchy here, and I'm afraid to try them.
Glad you're enjoying all the critters a pond can bring. My pond is a favorite stop for birds too, both in summer and winter. My goldfish and...
They are beautiful birds, and boy do they eat the bugs. They always take over my purple martin houses each year.
Looks like a beautiful plant, and thanks for sharing. I never heard of this plant before, and I'm sure they're not hardy here, but I was...
A lot of spruce trees in our area are in dire straights this spring. Most died from the top down, and I'm assuming this is due to a lack of...
Great picture. I haven't seen a swan for a long time. They used to frequent the lagoon where I hung out as a kid, none up here though. But I...
Welcome from Wisconsin USA.
Beautiful! My iris foliage is growing lots everyday, but still no sign of any flower buds yet.
Send us some of your heat. No sign of lilies of the valley yet here, although my peonies, daylilies, and irises are growing everyday due to the...
Looks like it will be lovely. And I even know some of the plant names that you're putting into your garden, as we can grow them as annuals here!
I thought that Morels had a hollow tube and center...where's Kildale, he would know!
Looks like a fun trip! We've gotten to know a foreign exchange student who is from Madrid, and have an open invitation to visit anytime. I hope...
Welcome from northeast Wisconsin where spring has finally sprung!
Separate names with a comma.