I have had other bird varieties enjoy the Grape Jelly I put out for the Orioles. Several Downy Woodpeckers liked the sweet treat as well as House...
For the last few days we have been enjoying watching the Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Ruby Throated Hummingbird, House Wren, and Rose Breasted...
I just had to share this pic of a huge weeping Willow that is in a yard on my way to see my Mom. The color is so limey I just love it. [ATTACH]
I thought this would be some thing that many of our Stewbies would like to get involved with. On May 14th of this year, ebird.org is hosting a...
On May 14th of this year is the World wide bird count sponsored by ebird.org. You can go to this website and find out more info on participation....
We have had another summer resident bird return to our feeders. Jokingly we call them Bicycle Helmet birds. But they really are White-throated...
I was reading an article in a book, or magazine about when to plant your potatoes. The article said that you should plant your potatoes when the...
We have been enjoying watching these little cuties through one of our living room windows. They fly around in our birch tree next to the house...
You have a few days to add you caption to this photo. Please try and keep it to 10-15 words, or less. One entry per Stewbie member please. A poll...
I was looking through some old issues of Cooks Country magazines. It was shared by Hannah Martin, from Bibbeford, Maine. She said that peeling...
There is a wonderful website that tells of all the uses for Hydrogen Peroxide. Especially for garden use. I did post it to other posts. But...
I did post this pic in a different thread. But I thought I would post it again on it's own so you can see what a great artist Jack Frost is. We...
The other morning my hubby and I where sitting having breakfast and looking out our picture window at the bird feeders. I turned to my hubby and...
While I was sitting in our kitchen yesterday we had an unusual bird visit our feeder. It is bigger that a House finch. At first when I saw it I...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] This morning was so beautiful with the mist over the valley, and the Hoar frost covering every tree, and bush. This was the calm...
Today we had quite the herd of turkeys in our back pasture. I would have called them a flock, but there where way to many of them to call them...
My honey and I were just saying the other day that we have not seen the Pileated Woodpecker in quite some time. Well while we where sitting and...
I and Marlingardner where wondering if any other towns, countries, or states had a Mythical creature. We here in Wisconsin, Rhinelander being the...
Here it is. Have fun,[ATTACH] and try and keep your caption to 15 words or less.
Well here you go all. Try and make your captions shorter than 15 words. Have fun.[ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.