I think Wrennie is wright about that being phlox...
Sounds like I've been wrong about the liquid, glad to hear it, that's much easier to find!
have you ever tried soap? Doesn't work on everything, but it sounds like with your diligence, it might do the trick. Use ivory soap flakes (NOT...
I think that yellow one is St. John's Wort. Looks much like mine, anyway.
Hello and welcome! I was trained in that waaaay back when I went through part of a landscape architect course (ran out of cash & it was...
Nothing on this land but rocks. But my dad found quite a few arrowheads on the farm where he grew up. And long ago, in the forest by my house, I...
well, first of all, it's definitely a butterfly and not a moth. Moths mostly have "fuzzy" antennae & butterlies have smooth ones. Now you know...
Whoah, no wonder I can't keep up with it all! Maybe this a good time to bring up the old Garden Stew t-shirt idea?
That doesn't count, Biita, it's still blazing daylight there at 3am! No geek alarms going off! OK, maybe I need to trot over to Westport and see...
I really do love wildlife, but when the cheeky beggars sit in MY cherry tree with their craw crammed with MY cherries, giving ME grief for daring...
Can't decide which floors me more, the meal you made or the fact that you made it after a full day's work!
LOL, I gotta get some help with my tendancy to misread things. I thought you wrote "cougarette" and was expecting to see pictures of a lady...
purple-blue, deep yellow, intense reds. Don't much care for pale colors. Grape hyacinth, cinquefoil, love crocosmia, shasta daisies, lavender,...
Pinch of a leave leaving plenty of stem. Dip in rooting hormone and nestle into a bed of pearlite. Keep it moist and steadily warm, on top of a...
popping dandelions out of the ground and feeding them to my bunnies & chickens. Very satisfying all around. Goodness knows there's a steady supply...
DH suggested that I ask if it's small and white, clean and bright, then he started whistling the "edelweiss" song from the Sound of Music. Sheesh....
actually I did get my feet pretty scratched up, especially climbing the fence! Ugh, I know, I really hate that I missed the photo op, but an...
O, I live right next to the Mima preserve, which is a bit of unique prairie that runs right up to the Black Hills, which is mostly all publicly...
Whew, I think I'd go loopy, but then, when I used to visit the in-laws in California, I had a hard time with the summer evenings that are...
Tomatoes. Especially the little yellow pear tomatoes. Green onions run a close second.
Separate names with a comma.