Our oldest son left today. He flew up from Tenn. and we had a good visit for 5 days but it is hard to say goodbye. We only get to see him a few...
I have a Rozanne geranium on one side of my arbor bed and want to plant a pink one on the opposite side. I've been looking on-line until I'm cross...
We actually had several sunny days. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Seals and more seals on the rocks at Seal Rock Cove. Thought...
When we first arrived, the first place we went was across the road, down the steps to the beach at Seal Rock Cove. Of course, it was foggy but I...
We stopped to visit on the way to Oregon and had a short but great visit with our Grandsons family and was also able to visit my best friend of 40...
We had a nice vacation. Visited our grandson's family in Spokane, Wa. and played with our newest great-grandson. Went on to Newport on the Oregon...
Though it is close to the end of the season we were able to pick about 3/4 of a gallon of blackberries! We'll be picking more in the next couple...
The Oregon coast that is. I gave Mike a belated deep sea/salmon fishing trip for our anniversary and, no, I'm not going with him fishing. I like...
We picked tomatoes last night. Two 5 gallon buckets full! They've already been run through the Victorio Strainer and are in the process of...
We picked beans, corn, and zucchini this morning. So far I've canned 8 pints green beans, grated several zucchini for freezing and stuffed four...
Me and my DD and grand-Daughter are all going down to Jackpot, Nv. for 2 days. The main reason is so the grand-daughter can visit with her father....
Our old house started out being two 1 room houses built in the mid to late 1800s, they were joined in the early 1900s and then a laundry room,...
We've had questions on the worst tool and one on how to improve tools. I'm curious about what tool ,or tools, you use the most when gardening....
It is suppose to get down to 34 tonight and 33 tomorrow night. Just in case we are running the sprinklers all night tonight and tomorrow night in...
I was looking at the seed companies catalogs and saw a Striata d'Italia zucchini late last winter. It claimed that it had fewer leaves than others...
Our youngest granddaughter, 15, had all 4 of her wisdom teeth removed and they were deeply imbedded so she is in quite a lot of pain. She decided...
Because of age and physical health I had Mike fence off almost half of our back yard. I told him, when he objected, that if he fenced it all I...
All but 3 new ones are in bloom now. They are my favorite, but then, whatever is in bloom is my favorite at that time! [ATTACH] Niobe [ATTACH]...
I have 2 HUGE clumps of Cream Chantilly Siberian Iris that I need to divide but I'm not sure when or how to divide it or how big each division...
Our weather is really warming up. It is odd to see peonies, lilies, and more, all blooming at the same time but our weather was a little strange...
Separate names with a comma.