An unusual amount of leaves on trees after the big freeze ? My elm that covers the entire front of our house has at least twice the amount of...
I am beginning to grow feathers and webbed feet ! Rain, Rain and more rain ! The weather man has begun saying,, "Refer to yesterday " for the...
I usually know before 10AM what my dinner will be ! The way my family was,, huge breakfast and lunch and what ever was left at dinner ! I have...
Yellow breasted blackbird ! Had never seen one before ! Just not common here !
A few weeks ago I cleaned a bit of garlic and put it in a container to refrigerate ! It was a bit old when I did it but waste not, want not !...
Any one have new ideas ? Orange chicken tonight ! But we have a freezer full and can`t think of anything different ! Have pork chops,...
Hope they are in a migration pattern ! They need to go home ! None of the little birds can eat ! There is nothing left when they get done !...
After the harsh weather we have noticed several dead birds ! And we made sure everything was well fed ! Corn was out in a large plastic lid in 2...
Ours is supposed to be nasty this whole week ! Not fun !
Had one at the water trough this morning ! For some reason all the regular birds scattered ! I watched the robin and he went a few feet to the...
Cleaned out the fridge today and found things cooked within the last few days that I didn`t remember cooking ! Does that mean I spend too much...
OK so we ate it but sure needed improvement ! I saw a recipe in the local paper about a fish burger ! Basically ground fish with tartar sauce...
I told you about the half frozen tomatoes and today was so boring and rainy and wet figured I would experiment and see what I could do with them !...
For the last two days I have made Caddo relish and sweet relish trying to get the tomatoes turned into something before really cold weather hit !...
Was watching our resident woodpeckers and noticed one picking up kernels of corn and hiding them in the folds of the bark in our elm tree !...
Whats your favorite ? I Want to try the butternut squash soup ! Its not something I cook regularly so need ideas !
I admit I am a cheapie ! Not that I have to be but its how I was raised ! I love shopping the mark downs at the grocery store ! I just can`t...
Who the idiot was that decided it was a good thing to put stick on labels on fresh vegetables and fruit that do not simply wash off ! Some you...
Does anyone in the NE Texas area make them to sell ?? Online they are outrageously priced ! We have bluebirds year round and the one I have is...
Cleaned out some of the sauces and condiments yesterday from fridge ! Mustard ketckup siracha bbq, and steak sauce so i decided to toss all in a...
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