Went to the store today to replenish what has been used during the shutdown ( as it may be ) ! After 432 trips to the car and back,, i am bushed...
Ok I was bored this morning and in the process of taking out the trash ! Had a couple of the two litre drink bottles and was hesitant to toss...
I bet I read 40 recipes and still a bummer ! Dough was the same except for one ingredient that I use for the pizza`s ! And after the rising once...
Now that I have the perfect pizza recipe,, I have added to the sauce so much that I forgot what is in it ! Only took me about a week to get the...
Can``t post a pic but everyone here over 50 years old will probably know what I am talking about ! Around here they are called Easter Lily but I...
As a general rule I will not eat anything unless I, or someone I know, grows it ! Especially anything I eat fresh ! Rarely will I buy anything...
Not sure how that is supposed to be spelled ! Some have it as egg u yung or egg fu young and others are egg fu yong as in my Chinese cookbook !...
I am a compulsive and sadly addicted to,,,recipes ! I cut them from magazines and newspapers and once sweet talked my doctor out of a magazine...
One day last week I stepped out on the deck and all of a sudden heard something hit the ground with a thud on the other side of our picnic table !...
Its a low growing weed with a woody stem. It almost looks like a creeping rosemary ! Has no smell at all. Does not get much taller than 6 or 8...
I know most of the birds here and usually its just the sparrows, cardinals, jays, mockingbirds ect ! But today there was a new one here and I am...
This year we have a pair of Indigo Bunting that joined our crew of birds ! We are still feeding them so guess they decided that free food was...
Saw them at the box about two weeks ago while it was still nice and warm. These are a brighter blue than those we have in the spring. Not sure if...
Here comes another cast off. He was afraid of people until he saw that no one would hurt him . A good 60 lb + black and tan hound cross with...
I have been watching a little sparrow female for a while now. She doesn`t fly well and usually just hops everywhere. I have no idea what her...
Anyone have any good recipes ? I am running out of ideas.
I am in and out of our garage several times a day. This is where I store feed and have most of my garden things. Today was no different till this...
Has anyone ever tried to freeze spinach fresh,, without blanching ? I picked two large mixing bowls full. I like it better stir fried with just a...
Friend gave me one but it didn`t have the instruction booklet. Really messed up the computer trying to download one (read post on computer and...
OK..I tried to download a manual for a pasta machine !. That was a big mistake. Somehow it loaded google chrome toolbars but what I was reading...
Separate names with a comma.