[ATTACH] Kerria sunshine [ATTACH] Giant rhubarb (gunnera) bursting forth [ATTACH] Green green everywhere [ATTACH] In the undergrowth [ATTACH]...
[ATTACH] The promise of apple blossom [ATTACH] Imprisoned brassicas to keep the pigeons off [ATTACH] I beg your pardon, I never promised you a...
[ATTACH] picked my first bowl of salad leaves from the greenhouse for my supper this evening. Basil, chervil, coriander, rocket and nasturtiums....
[ATTACH] poor old mark. I beg him to come to the allotment for me to do an array of labouring jobs, one of which was bringing all the willow...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] brought home the last of the leeks that were planted last summer, before they run to flower. They were chopped, washed,...
Mother nature is getting on my very last nerve. After a lovely warm, springlike spell, the temperature has now plummeted and light snow and a...
[ATTACH] My women's institute competition this month was to make an easter bonnet, so I thought I would knit one. My daughter and chums thought...
[ATTACH] Not only do we have our fluffy cosmo the labrador, we also have these four monsters, all rescues, and I adore them. The two outer...
Dripperty drop little April showers. I'm hoping the rain doesn't last for toooooo long, but this lovely gentle drizzle is happily watering my...
i do have to chuckle at work sometimes. I am a jobbing gardener and spend a lot of time gardening on a retirement village for the residents. Many...
[ATTACH] During my absence from the site, I have become a dog owner. I took some convincing as I was terrified of dogs, big and small having been...
[ATTACH] A trip to the local supermarket meant I filled more than the pantry. They might not be exotic, but they were incredibly cheap and will...
well, it's been a while since I last posted over here, so I thought I would swing by, say hi and see if I could pick up where I left off. I live...
I imagine most of you have seen on the news what is happening here in the UK. What started off as an incident where a young man was shot by...
Stewbie chums - just wanted to let you know that I am taking mum and the kids away to the south coast for a week so will be even more absent than...
After lunch yesterday I took my coffee down the garden to sit by the pond in the shade of our weeping willow tree. As I sat I heard a sploosh so...
Today is my last working day for the summer as the children break up from school this afternoon for the long 6 weeks. The benefit of being self...
My little quail farm is going from strength to strength and we currently have 15 adults, 6 x 2 week old babes and 7 eggs with a week to go in the...
I found it when clearing the weeds amongst my strawberry plants, so it could have been on those, or the marestail, or dandelions. As you can see,...
A whole selfish day spent on the allotment, my own little vegetable paradise. I have had several long visits of late and have managed to almost...
Separate names with a comma.