Sorry I haven't been around much of late but there has been so much going on around here! The kids started back at school, Jessica at High...
Went to the allotment today, as the rain thankfully paused, briefly for us. Picked a carrier bag of runner beans - they are loving this cool,...
Unbelievably, this weekend will be the first anniversary of my cousin, Jonny's death. I can't believe how that time has passed. At the start of...
We cut it, my beautifully ripe pineapple. As we were going away for a week with mum and the kids, we thought we would take it with us as a treat....
Finally, sorting through our holiday snaps and I thought I would share with you the squash collection at the huge veggie garden we visited. They...
For me, and I know some of you foragers out there, late summer is a great time for the free hedgerow goodies. Last week whilst in West Sussex...
What a difference a week makes. The children and I only visited the plot last Friday, just before we went on holiday, and gathered all of the...
but are back now from a glorious holiday in France. Lots to catch up with and over 500 photos to sort through!!
Tomorrow, my little girl has her Year 6 leavers assembly. She will be leaving Primary school and will be heading to High School in September. I...
Over 300 eggs since they started laying just after Easter time. We have 6 girls and 5 boys, which isn't a good, healthy ratio. As you can...
Things us gardeners put ourselves through. At work today, I disturbed a red ants nest so I gave the area a wide birth. A little later - YOUCH -...
Now I am not complaining about the sun, I love the sun. I adore the warm days and seeing cloudless skies, but my allotment hasn't been so keen....
Forgive me gardeners, for I have sinned.....I plucked the first ripe cherry tomato from the vine and ate it immediately, without thought of...
Nothing to do with gardening, and I know the children and Mark are a gift...and they have showered me with wonderful things.....but this is a...
When I was uploading my allotment piccies the other evening, I glanced back at my allotment photos for June 2009 and was astonished at how far...
This has been all over our news over the last couple of days. I have never heard of anything like it. I am wary of our rural foxes as they are...
:stew1: I know lots of you suffer, and I know lots of remedies and tricks, but I just wanted to have a winge and say how bad it seems to be at the...
I have heard this talked about a lot lately on TV and the children talked about it in Biology at school. Fruit or veg, we love rhubarb and I have...
Had a great day on Saturday with the family on the allotment and we were able to harvest yet more goodies. Here is Jessica holding a little Gem...
Come on peeps, I need you all to do a rain dance for us here in Essex and the surrounds. The ground is so dry, although we had a light shower...
Separate names with a comma.