Hoorah. The children are now on half term which means I also get a week off work. I am so relieved, and would say I am looking forward to the...
I know I could make a blog on this site, but I already had a blog running for the allotment, so have kept it up. If you are interested in my...
There is something very special about the first official harvest of the year. Now don't get me wrong. I have been able to harvest from the...
The story came to an end this morning. After her broken hip, heart attack, pacemaker and various infections, this morning, my Nan passed away...
I know they are disliked here in the UK as they are messy and noisy and not native, but my most fave bird is the Canada Goose. At the weekend...
Almost a year ago, we went to the Chelsea Flower Show and I purchased a yellow iris, which I am pleased to report is growing well, a mixture of...
...but that's not what they do.... [img] ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden )
Had a full and busy weekend both in the conservatory, which needs a few repairs, and in the garden. Also, a local mailorder plant company had an...
Yes, of course, we wouldn't be satisfied with just 5 birds. At the weekend Mark found a local small holder who had a clutch of 6 week old quails...
Yes, today, roughly six weeks after arrival, the gals are now grown and settled in, and today rewarded our patience with 3 perfect eggs. Fingers...
The trouble with running 2 allotments, a business, family, garden, so on and so forth, certain jobs on the allotment are constantly put off. For...
I bet you were all thinking, 'what! Not another animal?!' Meet Bill, our new allotment scarecrow. Firstly, get some hay, old clothes, and...
Hyde hall beauties. The frost and wind and scorched the white and pale pink ones, but still they were stunnings. [img] ( photo / image /...
A couple more from our adventure at Hyde Hall. Can you see what Jessica spotted? [img] ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) It...
Look at these zombies staggering down the hill at Hyde Hall!! :lol: :lol: :lol: [img] ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden )...
Took the kids to Hyde Hall today. A local RHS garden which is just around the corner from our house. It was their choice, and I wasn't going to...
The children and I visited a local RHS garden today, Hyde Hall, and everywhere our eyes fell, new growth was bursting forth from plants and trees....
The urchins and I went to a garden centre yesterday - a chain called Wyvales. It is the Easter hols still, and the kids like to go for a nosey...
Last weekend was another lovely one, and it was spent in the garden. Our pond had sprung a leak and had sat half full all winter. The fish had...
My allotment harvest today. [img] ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden )
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