I thought, with rememberance day approaching, I would post a link to a site which is raising money for the British legion, by selling a pattern to...
Evening All. Haven't been around much this last 10 days or so as the children and I took my mum down to North Devon for a week to visit the...
Would you believe it, this happening in a humble greenhouse in Essex at the onset of Autumn? [img] ( photo / image / picture from EJ's...
Things are starting to come to an end on the allotment. The season seems to whizz by. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was planting out...
I was so inspired by Jewell2009's living wreath tutorial, and I soooooo wanted one for me, that I decided to give it a go. I was able to buy a...
As you have seen from my piccies, I have now over 20Ib of toms sitting in my kitchen to be processed. I currently have some Tamotor chutney...
Still plenty to pick on the allotment this autumn. [img] ( photo / image / picture from EJ's Garden ) James is very proud of his...
I need to take more pics on Sunday when I plan to start planting all of my new spring bulbs that have arrived. However, these three just give you...
Been in the garden and as I have been clearing back, I have discovered a new, mystery plant. I have no idea what it is, other than it looks very...
I just wanted to check in and let you know that we had the funeral for our Jonny yesterday. It was a most horrid day. I cried when my dad died,...
Can you believe it? Once again, the autumn horticultural show has come around, and once again, as a family, we are entering. I wasn't sure if we...
A question for all you knowledgeable rose growers. I am not dead keen on roses, so haven't ever grown them, however, one of my customers is...
Well, a week has passed since our boy was taken, so a day loosing myself on the allotment was planned - good medicine I felt. It has been...
After signing off last night I went for an early night, only to awoken by the phone ringing after midnight. It was my mum to tell me that her...
Welcome, this evenings menu comes straight from Italy, so welcome to Emmas Pizzeria. Firstly we took a bunch of Roma plum tomatoes and roasted...
Cast your minds back to a few weeks ago when we had our allotment ditch clearance party. Well, here is our chef, Marks 14 year old daughter,...
Come in, come in, to the Shipley Taverna. On the menu this evening, delicious Greek Salad made with only the finest tomatoes. Firstly we slice...
Thrilled of Essex here. :-D So far, so good, blight seems to be giving me a wide berth, so today, James and I went to the allotment to see what...
Had a great day yesterday. Along the back of our allotment site runs a small stream...well, a ditch to be honest, fed by the natural springs on...
So far so good, I have beaten the dreaded blight....for now. So yesterday, I picked my first 3 tomatoes of the year. They are outside, so slower...
Separate names with a comma.