That's a beauty, do the birds eat the berries :?: Long time since I had a stroll around your lovely garden Eric, nice to take another tour :-D
Love that Fish, really started my Saturday morning off with a laugh :-D :-D :-D
Good luck with your new baby Margie, she will be great company for your dog. Sounds as if she is going to be a big girl and will probably end up...
Very good Sjoerd
Well done Dooley :-D
I would like to send all my new found friends across the pond HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Hope you all have a great day :-D
They are in the primula family but I call the tall multi headed ones Polyanthus. The primroses are lower growing and each flower has its own stem....
Sounds like a good project you are taking on Fish. I have Echeveria 'Doris Taylor'. Here is a photo of it when I first started it off in July...
Welcome TheGardener from Herts UK :smt006 How great to be able to start a garden from scratch. Look forward to seeing some photos of your...
Oh my word, I thought we had enough leaves to rake up with our two large hawthorn trees :roll: Glad to see you had a willing helper. What do you...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emma, hope you had a great day :)
Looks like a good time was had by all Emma, great photos of James & Mark and how exciting for Jessica to perform at The Albert Hall. Good that...
As one who has had countless visits to the dentist for one problem or another I can sympathise with you Sherry, especially about the cost. I think...
So sorry to hear about the loss of your pots EJ, but think of it another way, from what you have said over the years Mark is a great man to have...
Breathtaking views Biita, what a beautiful place. When I was a child we had a large rowan tree outside our house and I always remember my...
Such lovely blooms, thanks for sharing them with us :-D I so envy you being able to grow orchids, I am never successful :'(
Hi Pooh and welcome from Herts UK :smt006 I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here, look forward to hearing all your news :-D
I saw this story on our mid-day TV news. It's very worrying. I do my bit to encourage these dear little birds and must admit that we do have quite...
I asked for a companion and look what they gave me!!
Good one Eileen :lol: Well done
Separate names with a comma.