Good to see you back Glenda :-D I had the chance of having Vista when I changed my computer recently....I'm sure glad I decided to stay with good...
What can I say Petunia, I am getting greener and greener with envy :-D It's looking great, can't wait to see the next stage.
You are so right C-G. It takes times like these for most people to realise their priorities in life. My heart goes out to the people in...
Very good Eileen, I can relate to most of them :-D
What a lovely video, reminds me of a cat we used to have who loved to lie across your shoulders. As Droopy says 'lovely heat' :-D
Hard to believe that just a short time ago these little beauties were flattened by a few inches of snow. How resilient they are :stew2: [img]...
I like it :lol: :lol:
What a beautiful colour Dooley, so nice to see the flowers now that winter is nearly upon us, thanks :stew2:
You're right Eileen, you couldn't make it up. Very funny :lol:
Good morning all, after the nice weather yesterday, it is now dull and drizzley. Messed up my plans for more tidying up in the garden today :-x...
Thank you so much for showing us this lovely film Sjoerd. Swans are so graceful and one of my favourite birds :stew1:
Thanks for your quick reply Fish and thanks for the very interesting link. Actually I never gave layering a thought, I will give it a try :stew2:
Great plants Tom and a lovely variety of colour. Thanks for sharing :-D
OK Fish, my question to you. I don't know if you can help, or if you grow them. I have a few lovely rhodedendron bushes and a friend asked me if...
How lucky you are to have a visitor like that Tom. Great photos :stew2:
Lovely photo of you and your sister Dooley. My what a family likeness :-D As EJ says, you are lucky to have the sun to grimace at :lol:
Hi Nicole, welcome :-D WOW, what a 'superwoman' you must be, but then we women are great at multi-tasking aren't we :wink: Your fish sound...
Hi Enka, welcome from Herts UK, good to have you here with us. They are a great bunch of Stewers so I'm sure you will enjoy being here :-D
Hi Fish....welcome :smt006 Sounds like you are a person after my own heart. I love experimenting with cuttings and growing my own plants from...
Hi Anne :smt006 How nice to have Playtimes' Mum with us. Leafy Lytham sounds a great place to live, but I can understand you missing Scotland...
Separate names with a comma.