Just saw the barn pics, Wow!! You can burn up nervous energy in the last few days baking batches of cookies to stock that place with! I imagine he's making everyone crazy talking about the fabulous place he's going, lol!
Oh Biita...you almost made me cry when you said you hadn't seen him for 2 years...I am so happy you get to see him...give him a big hug...everything looks so nice for him...Have a great time...
OMG!! Right now I feel like i have only one nerve and everything is leaning on it,,lol. I'm getting raw with the nerves. Poor KB acts so cool, but I caught him pacing down at the barn,,,lol. KB has already ordered a welcome home cake in town for him. I had to laugh. I think he's getting more nervous than I am! Then last night he was in his cupboard going thru his sweatshirts and shirts,, pulling out motorcycle shirts, rock shirts, hoody jackets, a winter jacket incase. lol. He's as bad as I am. I catch myself tearing up in the eyes now and then, from happiness, not sad. I'm just so dang happy. Now if the weather will co-operate all will be fine. lol. He is comming from the desert to the artic,,poor him,,lol. And all his platoon are so jealous,, they want to come here too!! 7 more days to go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have started to make more cookies and brownies for him. Altho by the time i get them wrapped or stored, KB has them half gone.
I'll bet the butterflies in your tummy are fluttering like mad now Biita. This last week will soon pass and then Josh and you will be together again. Gosh I'm getting all excited now too. Please post piccies of him if you get a spare moment won't you?
6 days and counting----------------------------- Heh heh heh...it's under six and I can feel your jangly nerves from here. How exciting it must be getting for you. Well, I think that you've got everyone on here jangly too. hahahaha Are you having any trouble sleeping? Hang tight!
just think in six more days he'll be home with his mama, hang in there I know what it's like to wait...
Happy Birthday Joshua!!! My little boy is now 21 yrs old today. Well actually at 11:45am. When he gets here for his birthday, we are taking him to a rock concert, dinner and a party afterwards. Okay dinner first. before the army, taken in Rapid City, SD at a friends house. taken right before he left for Iraq. Ignore the date, he can't figure out how to change it. Its my camera so I guess I'll have to do that for him when he gets here... geeeeez I've already made 2 loaves of bread today and am getting ready to go break up some more ice and start spreading mulch. I gotta do something! 6 loooong days to go,,,,,,,
Why don't you go for a trip and photograph the melting and breaking up? Got any frozen water falls near by or are they done now? Hang in there, girl, 6 more days.
A very Happy Birthday Josh. Celebrate it in style when you get home and have a drink on us!! I became a mum for the first time at 21 - now Duncan is 35!!!! Where does the time go? I love that first piccie Biita - Cousin It from The Adams family right? My daughter once dressed up as Cousin It at Halloween - her hair was down past her bum in those days. Now my 'baby' is 25 years old. Gawd I feel soooo old. Not long now until you see that handsome son of yours again. :-D
Happy Birthday Josh Bake more cake Biita, he looks like a big eater I had my first baby at 21 and now she is almost 41, my youngest turns 21 at the end of June.
I will show my son this thread and make him say thank you to all,,lol. (thats what moms do) Between Josh and KB, I'll never get out of the kitchen,,lol. But luckily they both like to cook also. Josh is a BIG eater, at 6'3" and 195 lb. he can put some food away. Whats amazing is his sister is just as small and delicate as he is big. lol. Heres my daughter Brittany and her husband Stan. (Stan is Norwegian also) but they live in the states in Tacoma, Wa. for the moment. Stan putting his finger up Britt's nose. I have got 2 of the craziest kids,,lol. I swear i do! But I wouldn't have them any other way.