3 Word Story

Discussion in 'Jokes and Games' started by tommy, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. cajunbelle

    cajunbelle Daylily Diva

    Jun 4, 2006
    Likes Received:
    zone 8b Louisiana
    in the pit
  2. Polly

    Polly Thumb Gardener

    Jun 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    covered with dirt
  3. wannabe

    wannabe Young Pine

    Jun 14, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Springfield, Illinois
    reason to shower
  4. jubabe296

    jubabe296 Official Garden Fairy

    Mar 18, 2006
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    south central Texas
    Hey! I thought everyone would enjoy reading what we have for our story so far! :eek: Enjoy!! :-D

    Here you start at the beginning and hurry up as it's going faster than ever now that the wheels are spinning round and round in ever decreasing circles! Bob however, decided to look in the oven to get some steak pies. Suddenly a clever monkey swung in and saw two cheeky babes who looked out of the window of the caravan. They lived in a van which had lovely tinsel covered windows and fairy lights. He wanted chips covered with tasty lemon curd but it looked as though he was out of chips. As he was eating something else the doorbell rang. It was a Pizza delivery boy with Chinese spareribs. They were very tasty but they were lacking lemon zest which makes your tongue go zip, zap, twang! Which can be quite painful in the inside of the nose because it tickles the funnybone.I think poor old Bob really needs to chill out and find a solution to why his cooking utensils always go rusty! Maybe a quick trip to the gypsies could be just the thing for a sore back.So off went the siren to warn Bob that his leg was still lying in the backyard.He wondered why he had lots of mushrooms growing out of his ears during Winter and during Summer. After picking them he would eat them wrapped in crispy pastry and he felt bad that the aardvark didn't share in the tasty pastry. It did however leave a mark on his wall in the shape of a dodecahedron certainly not the shape he was when he woke from his nap. One day after having the operation to remove a short sharp stick from his elbow, he spotted an elephant through the french doors. The elephant said Could I trouble you for a mousetrap please because a pesky mouse has just run and jumped in My food container. What a mess!Dirty little footprints all over the butter! He thought if only I had some cheese and salted peanuts and a few chocolate chip cookies to entice the little critter! I think I will keep him as a pet to love and cherish. One day when the sky was falling and the pirates came onshore his pet ran for the hills in a big shiny green raincoat and red wellies then he realized to his dismay his shoe was on the left ear of a giant walrus and it obviously wasn't very happy about wearing it when there was no audience to watch how well he had performed. Then suddenly a loud bang sounded in the far distance which really made the giant anteaters eyes spin! He thought Oh my what is going to happen to that big cream filled chocolate bunny that is being eaten by the giant chocoholic kangaroo with a pouch full of minty chocolate bunny ears hopping down the slope ahead he fell down rolling faster and hit his head on a very solid chocolate bunny which happened to shout out 'Ol!' and hop on to the next slope. The chocolate gingerbread man looked over his shoulder and saw the chocolate bunny coming down the dark and winding road followed by two little garden gnomes called Frank and Frankleen with little fishing poles to whack him with- now not every one can wait to be whacked or pushed into a garden pond full of biting Swedish gummy fish. I am not capable of swimming or diving under the lily pads to hide from alligators and thick algae, but I can manage anything because I The Eccentric Gnome can do it. Alas! What a mess it is! He is eccentric because he always liked to show the oddest colored pair of socks on the planet.The matching sweater stank of old ale and stogies (aka cheap cigars) and the odd whiff of something unidentifiable to most but pungent to others in the magic bus going searching for mushrooms and truffles.Most of them are of the squirrels and will never forgive the one squirrel who repeatly ate my acorns and made me goofy with joy when he decided to wear a short grass skirt and danced a mambo.He was excited to be picked as the cheerleader for a Professional Squirrel Troup at last he could show how talented he really was at doing the back flips cart wheels handstands and showing off generally for all who would look to see him. Three tall trees stood proud and imposing at the gate waiting for all his friends to come back and have some peanut soup and acorn nut bread with a dab to share with all that like to dance with and have fun under the moon. Gosh it's late I should be getting on home to plant my newly purchased seeds of all kinds over the top of my mint condition 1967 rare fake wood sided swing set under my big magnolia by the garage shed.I wonder whats over in my little world. Maybe a pint of beer and a pretzel to help keep the rats who keep biting my favorite blanket that I'd had since babyhood. It had been pasted around baby blue with from here to the bus stop.Now its not a thing that you would be attracted to as it looks like something the cat might drag up from the bottom of a pit.We must check for holes in the ragged blue blanket of mine to see if a cat really was in there. Maybe he left.He probably saw me coming with a raw fish. Call the cats and brown foxes to have a fullfilling fish dinner. Tasty and crunchy but full of vitamins so that you can grow big and strong. Eating fish can be very healthy not to mention very tasty and will be the hardest thing to keep up with those three legged spiders running around and jumping through concrete walls so fast that a yo-yo could be almost up the wall by the time they decided to go deep sea diving off to the and of the seven seas to have a beer and some pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni slices.Down the path created by God a small spider spun it's web around an unsuspecting fast running antelope with three legs and a big set of antlers and a white and red striped barber pole stood outside the shop that revovled when it was open to the public when someone walked around the corner into the wall over the mountain to Grandma's house for sugar cookies and chocolate milk and then set down to hear on a cliff were birds fly over and drop on unexpected eyes that squint quickly because of surprise only to find two other eyes looking back at the escaping prisoner running for his favorite flavour of the month of chocolate ice cream and cookie dough with whipped cream a cherry on top of the whole thing! After enjoy that treat he quickly left to find his car had been hijacked! He hollered Help!!! call the police on the cell phone that is under the big rock that looks like the face of a famous person. This is the first time that I have been to the beach. I think I will get wet and build a new car from sand. But the penguin may not like it so I guess he should look beyond the rainbow to see a flying frog and a big fish in the sky that really belongs at the bottom of the bayou filled with smelly old white sneakers what a mess! But instead he pickes a nice girl to marry who reminded him lunch is ready when it smokes it's really burned to a crisp and not tasty to hungry frogs who get really annoyed when they don't find food. Kitty leaped forward and hit her paws on the kitchen table MEOWWWW :-x ! Oh that hurt said the rabbit while hopping away on two stilts that Tom built yesterday. Finally some rain has come and we can mow the grass. I guess you mow too slowly because its hot and you can't breathe. Mowing is as mowing does. Life is like a bowl of cherries with whipped cream and peaches sound like a delicious desert for any little gnome! Gnomes also like fresh berry cobbler and a little topped with nuts that taste like an old shoe baked to long that nobody else did the foxtrot they did the Waltz on the and the polka dot ran away to the circus to clown around and live happily ever after except for the villian who was lurking under a mushroom hatching his evils deeds to do all the usual activities in the back of the old station wagon that sounded like a pickled egg hopping around inside a purple box with a pink pair of dancing bears are seen jumping up and down feverishly because of bees whose colours were orange and green balloons and ribbons he was dressed in a kilt and a trilby for the fair but then suddenly realized that his hair was ablaze and he doused it with a gallon of fish spawn mixed for the pond filled with nasty algae. His hair shone in the slimmy mess covering the width of a football field edged with petunias and beautiful marigolds of orange and purple and striped carnival tents where there would be rabid circus clowns preying on small grasshoppers that yelled for extra soap to wash their filthy little noses to keep them clean and shine and out of their shoes to dance "Whoa!" yelled the small tree shaking it's branches and babbling incoherently in many tongues which confused Old bearded probate judges bathing in vats filled with wine sweet wonderful grape juice-colored judges! They drank to much they would like a better vintage, but couldn't see the label on the bottles because it was foggy after the storm. Next along came fluffy towels. Judges can't use them due to the black foot prints left from the big black bear who drank the vile purple liquid and fell asleep on a bed waking up to the chatter of three little monkeys swinging in trees and eating bananas until they saw stars in Alabama or Alabama singing and jamming live with Mick Jagger in the middle of the road to ruin Alas! It has been a very trying time for me to go on without my spade or hoe. It and rake. I need a break so I can buy more plants. The squirrels dug three holes for hiding three acorns so they would have some food for their lunch beside the lake under the trees feeling the cool a nice picnic but suddenly the squirrels screeched "Chchchchch!... then stole all the black walnuts and scurried up the tallest orange tree jumping from tree in the for Winters stretch of cold weather and long johns and short joanns bought from a five and dime on Madison Avenue store at night to sleep warm with toastie toes and fuzzy slippers that look like two large eggplants and as they gleamed in the two little mice shiny little eyes sneeking into barns to play pranks and turn cranks that make blanks that's enough, thanks! The rain fell with a blinding sun in plain view of the angry toad sitting across the bayou waiting for darkness to hide his ugly hooked nose hideous ugly warts and beady eyes sounds like witches cast a spell on an unsuspecting mailman delivering junk mail. He immediately took off his silly blue shorts and went to a neutral location to hide from the wicked witch who was eating all the junkmail with tiny teeth doesn't bite hard but clips coupons to help budget for the new stretch. She needed twenty red flowers for a bouquet to go on the top of the glass table when it was cracked by the sound of music tears ran down like falling rain on a small child's cheek. The funny thing was she had a green dress on covered in dots of spaghetti sauce that she spilled at Grandma's house when visiting last week during vacation at the lake. Beside the old black truck sat in the way a very big walrus eating a grilled sausage sandwich topped with a mound of onions smothered in gravy made from soap of jelly fish and jelly beans and lima beans and jumping beans flambe! The beans started to burn in the pit covered with dirt reason to shower

  5. cajunbelle

    cajunbelle Daylily Diva

    Jun 4, 2006
    Likes Received:
    zone 8b Louisiana
    and maybe smell
  6. Marlene

    Marlene Young Pine

    Mar 30, 2006
    Likes Received:
    like a sweathog
  7. jubabe296

    jubabe296 Official Garden Fairy

    Mar 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    south central Texas
    with garden clippers
  8. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    a shovel and

    I enjoyed reading the story you so sweetly sat up half the night to let us read and see what our story really reads like
  9. wannabe

    wannabe Young Pine

    Jun 14, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Springfield, Illinois
    flowers to transplant
  10. Desert Rat

    Desert Rat The Dusty Blogger

    Mar 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    into their shoes
  11. Polly

    Polly Thumb Gardener

    Jun 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    before a hippopotomus
  12. Marlene

    Marlene Young Pine

    Mar 30, 2006
    Likes Received:
    laid down to
  13. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    cool in the
  14. Marlene

    Marlene Young Pine

    Mar 30, 2006
    Likes Received:
    mud. The afternoon
  15. cajunbelle

    cajunbelle Daylily Diva

    Jun 4, 2006
    Likes Received:
    zone 8b Louisiana
    wet slime. Suddenly

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