At least you know it wasn't left stranded and was taken in to be cared for We have young birds sometimes come from the trees and when my dog was alive I caught him nudging something with his nose and when I looked, bless him, it was a young bird and he was nudging it to move, i took care of it which I've never done before and bless my dog he guarded it till we released's me doing my best with a syringe
Eileen I love animals and nature but the birds I do adore which come daily are the ring doves and they always come in couples but they're so graceful
Sjoerd...yes it's a young blackbird we have quite a few here in the conifers...well it took the milk regular and being as our garden is lined and coated with gravel...hubby went and found some dirt and dug up worms and I fed those besides with tweezers it did quite well. When they test their flight it makes me laugh as they come on the decking and go up and down on the railing testing their skills. I do miss my dog Sjoerd he passed away in 2016 with kidney disease stage 3.
You really did have fun with that fledgeling. Your mothering skills are legend. chuckle. No, but you really did do a good job. Meid, I am sorry for your loss. Loosing pets really is painful. We are cat persons and had two. They got to be 20 and 21 respectively. a couple of years ago, one had incurable renal probs and had to be put to sleep, her sister died in the night a year later ...also with renal problems. What a hole they left in our lives. The Bride talks now and then about taking on a small dog on, but we have nice new wooden floors and that just would not work. Besides that, going through the loss of a pet again is not something attractive to us just yet. Perhaps when we are older, who knows.
@Sjoerd I love my cats to i'm feeding a half Bengal at the moment who someone owns but hardly feeds her That's an excellent age for your cats the oldest I've seen with a cat is 18yrs but I deeply know how you feel about an hole left in your lives...same here i'd never have another as my Bruno carried such a strong presence in the home. We have wooden flooring all through and it never got affected by Bruno and they carry some muscle and weight but being new it would make you more cautious. Well i'm 50 and my hubby is older and we wouldn't do it again plus I have my lizard Blaze
We have what you call a Rehabbers here in Wisconsin to call when you find an injured bird, etc. You need to make a donation to them to help cover the expense of taking care of it. Beautiful bird and the first one I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing and thank your Bride for the photos.
GAIL--We dearly loved our cats, but we did not get new ones. As wonderful as they were they did hinder our lives when it would come to travelling, vacations or an overnight in a hotel somewhere. It was very sad loosing them...I am normally a bit of a stoic as are the people who live in our area here, but I have to tell you when I took the one girl in to be put to sleep, I did have to pink-away a little tear. SHERRY--Most folks have not seen a cuckoo...or should I say that the only ones that they have seen poked their heads out of a clock every hour. I thanked the Bride.
Hello Sjoerd pets can stop you doing things besides going places unless you have family or friends you can totally trust and I understand the tear as me and hubby broke down when we lost Bruno...they're dreadful situations Thanks Frank I wouldn't have personally clocked the young bird, if it hadn't been for my dog but in general I love nature besides animals