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A bit of small-town charms slips away

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by CritterPainter, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. Reeseewi

    Reeseewi New Seed

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Our little town has no stop lights just stop signs. One grocery store, 2 gas stations , 3 bars, two you can get food at they are like restaurants almost , one restarant which isn't the best, a furniture store. A libray, our bike shop. theses are not on main street though and we have a few other bits and pieces of business in town but out of the way. Oh we do also have both a elementary shcool/ high school and a post office
  2. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Critterpainter; Spring Green Wis is a really neat small town. Most of the old store fronts downtown have been fixed up. It still has it's small town charm.If you like flea markets they have a big one every Sat. from May threw early Oct. I'm not sure what the economy is like there? There is also Green Lake, Wis. It's an artist community. Set on the picturesque Green Lake. You'll have to do a web search and see what comes up. Check out Door County in Wis. There are a lot of neat little towns along the bay of Green Bay. Ephraim is oneplace I would love to live. :stew1:

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