Evil Roy I'll send you one if I can catch one of them but you'll have to formulate your recipe. They came again this morning and raided my egg plant when we were out. AarrggHHH!!!
Is anything like this available? You mentioned that you can't get the solar version, but maybe a battery version or one that works on the mains could be found. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_s...owered&sprefix=electric+fence+charger,aps,281
Yes I am seeing red Cayuga Morning, red from the fire I am going to use if I catch them for the BBQ Thanks Evil Roy but we do not have anything like those in Amazon. I would love to have one of those solar type and I'll put it in my shopping list when we visit Europe. I think I'll use cages for the time being. Thanks again for that suggestion. Cherylad