A question about milk cows

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by marlingardener, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Capt... how did you train her and how old was she when you started? I was trying to train ours to keep the chickens in their fence, but she is a little too rough on them, so I had to stop it before she started accidentally killing them.
  2. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    I've been called a farmer all my life. People even say I walk like a farmer. If I could I'd have the animals and the barn.
  3. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    We had a cow dog also. She was a smaller dog, maybe part beagle. She would always go with me to gather the cows. One day, when I was 6 or 7, we were walking on a cow path and she hit the side of my leg, almost knocking me down. Jumped in front of me and that's when I saw a snake on the path. It struck at Peggy and the whole inside of the mouth was white. It was a Cottonmouth! I kept trying to call Peggy back but she kept darting in and out until she finally grabbed the snake behind the head and killed it. Even in death the snake kept snapping it's mouth. I don't know how she avoided being bit. If it wasn't for that brave little dog I wouldn't be here today. Needless to say after I told Mom, Peggy was always treated like royalty.
    KK Ng, marlingardener and carolyn like this.

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