Yeah, that is a great name. I had that written down in my journal. I went and looked it up after posting on here. The Fairy Wren is but one of the countless beauties there. Gad, I can be so jealous sometimes. I reckon that you can tell that Oz made quite an impression on me whilst there. It was waaaay too short a visit. Remind me to tell you a story about wombats sometime. -----No, hang on a mo-- Here's a thing I wrote on here a couple of years ago. You don't have to read the whole thing....the wombat bit was what I was talking about.
Sjoerd, I think we Aussies take this place a little too much for granted and we forget just how fantastic and varied both the landscape the the wildlife is!!! I've never been lucky enough to see a wombat in the wild, but we do have a great animal sanctuary just down the road where I have seen a wombat close up. Of course, it was sleeping as they do during the daytime, but it was rather cute fast asleep. I did read the whole story and I loved the idea of playing Klootschieten when the family gets together. That looked like a whole lot of fun, and I love the idea of wandering down the lanes for about two and half kilometres while you play!!
Thanks Sherry. I'm one of those point-and-shoot-lots-and-lots photographers who then keeps fingers crossed that at least some shots turn out to be good ones. It's a gift really, lol!